The financial aid process can take up to four weeks. Plan ahead and complete your FAFSA as soon as possible! 

Financial Aid Census Date

To ensure you receive as much financial aid as possible, enroll in all of your classes before:

  • September 10 for Fall 2024 semester
  • January 28 for Spring 2025 semester
  • May 29 for Summer 2025 semester

Interested in enrolling in a course after this semester's Financial Aid Census Date? Talk to the Financial Aid Office first!

What is a Financial Aid Census Date?

The financial aid census date is the point at which a student's enrollment status is "locked" for financial aid purposes. A student must register for all courses or make any necessary adjustments for the semester prior to this date.

Credits added after the financial aid census date cannot be used to increase financial aid eligibility. This includes any five- or seven-week accelerated courses.

For example, if a student is registered as a full time student (12 or more credit hours) and then drops credits before the financial aid census date, then the student's financial aid will be recalculated to match their eligibility based on the number of credits enrolled in as of the financial aid census date and types of aid that were awarded.

How does the Financial Aid Census Date impact me?

  • You are strongly encouraged to finalize your course schedule prior to the Financial Aid Census Date. Doing so will ensure you receive as much of the Pell Grant and other aid that you are eligible to receive.
  • If you increase or decrease your credit load  before the Financial Aid Census Date, your financial aid may be adjusted, as appropriate, according to your enrollment level. If your financial aid is reduced, creating a balance due on your account, you will be responsible to pay the balance.
  • If you add classes to your credit load on or after the Financial Aid Census Date, those credits are not eligible to be included in the financial aid offer, and your financial aid will not be increased. You will be responsible to pay for any additional charges not covered by your financial aid award as of the Financial Aid Census Date.
  • Your financial aid may be affected if you are taking courses that begin after the Financial Aid Census Date. For example, if you are enrolled in a class that starts after the Financial Aid Census Date, the Federal Pell Grant and other aid will not be disbursed until after the course has started. If you fail to begin attending any of your courses, your financial aid may be reduced accordingly.
  • If you initially enroll for the semester after the Financial Aid Census Date, your financial aid will be "locked in" as of the date of your initial enrollment. Therefore, you will want to maximize your aid eligibility by enrolling in all of the courses you are planning to take during the initial registration process, completing all course registration at once.
  • The Financial Aid Office cannot adjust all types of aid on or after the Financial Aid Census Date but will consider special circumstances. Contact the Financial Aid Office before adding courses after the Financial Aid Census Date.
FAFSA and VASA Priority Dates

For priority consideration, be sure the FAFSA (or VASA) is completed and submitted by:

  • April 15 for Fall semester*
  • September 15 for Spring semester
  • March 15 for Summer semester

*For the Fall 2024 semester the College has extended our priority filing date to June 1st 2024 due to the many issues our families and students are facing when filing the new year's FAFSA.

You may have to pay for tuition and books while awaiting a reply from the Office of Financial Aid regarding your eligibility.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (S.A.P.) Appeal Deadlines

Submit your Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form by:

  • November 15 for Fall semester
  • April 12 for Spring semester
  • June 21 for Summer semester

Learn more about S.A.P. Appeals
Loan Request Deadlines

Submit your Federal Direct Loan Request form by:

  • November 22 for fall semester
  • April 19 for spring semester
  • June 28 for summer semester

Learn more about requesting student loans

View the dates for Using Financial Aid in the Bookstore.