Meet Fitim Xhemaili

Recently appointed to the Board of Hearing Aid Specialists and Opticians, Fitim Xhemaili, a 2018 graduate of the Reynolds Community College Opticianry program, has built an inspiring career shaped by his passion for helping people see better. He now works as a licensed optician at the non-profit organization, Conexus Vision. This career shift aligned perfectly with his personal mission, as he had entered the Opticianry program with the desire to improve people's vision and quality of life.

Fitim Xhemaili smiles at the cameraAt Conexus, Fitim found himself doing exactly what he set out to do—helping others, particularly schoolchildren across Virginia. In his five years with the organization, he has dedicated himself to providing free eye exams and, when necessary, free glasses to students in elementary through high school. This work has been transformative, giving children the gift of clear vision, sometimes for the first time in their lives. “At the end of the day there is at least one child whose life we were able to change,” Fitim reflects, highlighting the profound impact his work has on the community.

Fitim's journey to becoming an optician in the U.S. began far from Virginia. Originally from Kosovo in the Balkans Region, he moved to the U.S. as a refugee when he was nine years old. His early years were marked by constant displacement, as his family moved through various countries in the Balkans during the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Life as a refugee, with its challenges of moving from country to country and house to house, was difficult for a young child. The fear of losing loved ones was ever-present, but his family’s resilience and the support they received from others made a lasting impression on him.

Despite the hardship, Fitim’s family focused on the positive. His parents, along with other family members, taught him and his siblings the importance of kindness and compassion. Even in the face of war, they experienced the hospitality of strangers who sheltered and fed them, often at great personal risk. “We were shown care, love, and compassion amid war, fear, and uncertainty of your existence,” Fitim recalls. For him, these values have shaped both his personal life and professional mission.

When it came time to further his education, Fitim chose Reynolds for several reasons. He had seen firsthand the success stories of people who had launched their careers through the college, and Reynolds' reputation for staying current with industry trends appealed to him. The advisors at Reynolds were instrumental in helping him navigate his educational journey, guiding him toward the Opticianry program, which aligned perfectly with his goal of making a difference in people’s lives through vision care.

Fitim Xhemaili, young man in gradution regalia smiles for the cameraBeginning his academic career at 23, Fitim faced the challenge of balancing full-time school with work. There were many long days spent in class from morning until night, but the supportive instructors at Reynolds helped him succeed. They were always willing to stay after class to answer questions, and they encouraged students to form study groups, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

The Opticianry program at Reynolds stood out for its hands-on learning approach. The program's dispensing clinic on campus functioned like a real doctor's office, giving students the chance to perform tasks such as taking measurements and preparing eyewear under supervision. Additionally, the program offered internships, allowing students to build professional connections and gain real-world experience.

During his time at Reynolds, Fitim also gave back to the global community. Drawing on his personal experience of growing up in Kosovo, he initiated a student-led community service project to donate prescription glasses to an orphanage and a non-profit organization in Kosovo. This initiative allowed him to address a need close to his heart, helping those in his homeland gain access to vision care.

In his personal life, Fitim has continued to grow and contribute to his community. He is now married with two children, and his dedication to his profession recently earned him an appointment by Governor Glenn Youngkin to the Board of Hearing Aid Specialists and Opticians.

For current Reynolds students, Fitim’s advice is simple: take advantage of all the resources available, never hesitate to ask questions, and remember that hardships won’t last forever. The friendships, knowledge, and experience gained at Reynolds, he believes, will last a lifetime. Fitim’s journey from a young refugee to a licensed optician making a tangible difference in the world is a testament to the power of resilience, compassion, and education.

Learn more about the Reynolds Opticianry program.