College Board Meeting Minutes
November 21, 2024
Minutes No. 414
The J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Board convened at 4:05 p.m. on Thursday, November 21, 2024, at the Downtown Campus Community Room.
Board Members Present:
Mr. Peter Blake, City of Richmond
Dr. Barbara Brown, Powhatan County
Mr. Bo Bundrick, County of Louisa
Dr. Brenda J. Drew, City of Richmond
Dr. Rajendra Dubey, Henrico County arrived at 4:20 pm
Mrs. Allison M. Feinmel, Henrico County
Mrs. Kathy Graziano, City of Richmond
Mr. Jeffrie L. Hedrick, Henrico County
Mr. Paul Logan, City of Richmond
Mr. Owen M. Matthews, Hanover County arrived at 5:40 pm
Mrs. Anne McDougall, Hanover County
Dr. Emmy Smith Ready, City of Richmond
Mrs. Monica L. Smith-Callahan, Henrico County arrived at 4:06 pm
Mrs. Mary L. Studevant, Henrico County
Dr. Paula Pando, President
Board Members Absent:
Dr. Stephen A. Geyer, Goochland County
Staff and Guests Present:
Ms. Ann Bushey
Ms. Elizabeth Creamer
Dr. David Doré
Dr. Lori Dwyer
Dr. Craig Herndon
Dr. Jennifer Mezquita-Macaia
Ms. Karen Neal
Ms. Lindsay Robinson
Ms. Terri Thompson
Mr. Sean Terrell
Mary Studevant called the meeting to order.
Chair Studevant affirmed that a quorum was present.
No Comment.
Chair Studevant welcomed the board and invited the newest member of the college board, Mr. Paul Logan, to introduce himself. Mr. Logan shared he works for the Virginia Dental Association and looks forward to working with the board.
Chair Studevant then read an excerpt from a heartfelt thank you letter from a College Board Scholarship recipient.
Chair Studevant congratulated Ms. Monica Smith-Callahan on her recent selection to serve as a member of the National Association of Counties.
Chair Studevant advised of a deletion from the agenda. Hearing no objections, the agenda was approved as posted.
Chair Studevant asked if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes of the September 5, 2024 meeting.
Hearing none, the Minutes were approved as posted.
Mr. Bo Bundrick reported the Committee met prior to the board meeting and requests the board’s approval of:
- Approval of the following CSC Program Closures:
- Welding - Advanced Career Studies Certificate
- Welding - Career Studies Certificate
- Diesel Mechanics Technology Certificate
- Practical Nursing Certificate
- Approval of the following Title Changes:
- eCommerce Career Studies Certificate to Digital Marketing
- Entrepreneurship in Small Business Career Studies Certificate to Entrepreneurship
- Accounting Career Studies Certificate to CPA Eligibility
- Approval of the following new majors:
- Baking
- Restaurant Management
- Law Foundations Career Studies Certificate
After discussion Mr. Bundrick made a motion for approval and Mrs. Kathy Graziano seconded the motion. The Board approved the following:
CSC Program Closures:
Welding - Advanced Career Studies Certificate, Welding - Career Studies Certificate, Diesel Mechanics,Technology Certificate, Practical Nursing Certificate
Title Changes:
eCommerce Career Studies Certificate to Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship in Small Business Career Studies Certificate to Entrepreneurship, Accounting Career Studies Certificate to CPA Eligibility
New majors:
Baking, Restaurant Management, Law Foundations Career Studies Certificate
The motion carried 13-0-0.
Mrs. Monica Smith-Callahan reported the committee met on October 24, 2024 and asked for the board approval of:
- Approval of FY2026 Local Jurisdictional Budget Request.
After review of the request by Dr. Paula Pando, Mrs. Monica Smith-Callahan made the motion for approval and Mrs. Kathy Graziano seconded the motion. The Board approved the FY2026 Local Jurisdictional Budget Request. The motion carried 13-0-0.
Dr. Pando welcomed the board and new board member, Mr. Paul Logan. Dr. Pando introduced Professor Karen Neal, Faculty Senate President. Dr. Pando then presented on the following:
- Results from Focused Planning
- Highest enrollment a 12% increase over last fall
- 21% increase in Dual Enrollment
- Credentials increased by 34%
- Access - GRTC transportation on the Parham Road Campus and Downtown Campus
- CCWA - bringing instruction through mobile lab
- Automotive faculty - Toyota T10 Accreditation
- Loyalty Automotive Partnership – scholarships, equipment, uniforms, and tools
- YWCA – Early Childhood Education
- Goochland Campus – working with County and Public Schools to co-locate CTE programs at the Goochland Campus
- VCU Health Partnership – continues to grow
- Respiratory Therapy – partnered with Germanna and Mary Washington Hospital
- Federal Assistance – scaling the program in surgical technology a high demand program
- City of Richmond – partnership at the Downtown Campus for Biotechnology
- Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden – their board approved partnering with our horticulture program at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
- Celebrate December 19 at Dominion Energy Garden Fest
- Achieving the DREAM, 3rd Year in cohort – Investing in the people who get the work done.
- Wrap around supports - $1.7 million in scholarships
- Great Expectations program
- Continuing to work for programs that are a pathway to a living wage
- We still have aways to go!
Dr. Pando then introduced Impact 2027 and Dr. Lori Dwyer, Chief Academic Officer, presented on:
Focus Area 1 Teaching and Learning
- Rebuilt our program health process, What does our community need?
- We need our industry partners, rethinking how we do this
- CETL investments in supporting our faculty
- Work-based learning, connect students with employers
- CCWA Fastforward graduates, we need to strengthen pathway to credit programs
Dr. Mezquita-Macaia, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success presented on:
Focus Area 2 Student Success
- First in nation incentivizing students, awarding $125 gift card when enrolled in gateway course. Once complete C or better awarded another $125 gift card.
- Tools to navigate their options, external partners support them
Ms. Lindsay Robinson Vice President of Institutional Advancement presented on
Focus Area 3 Our Community
- Reynolds pivotal part of community
- Recruitment – digital front door, who are we trying to reach?
- Opportunity we are creating for students
- Trusted part of Richmond Community
- Go out to community for funding
Mr. Sean Terrell, Associate VP Research Planning and Grants presented on
Focus Area 4 Our People - core to achieving our goals
- Integrity, inclusivity fully engage in the life of college
- Recruit and retain highly skilled individuals representing our community
- Provide learning opportunities for staff
- Developing equitable compensation, recognize excellence
- Achieve and sustain Operational Excellence
Dr. Pando then introduced Chancellor David Doré and the connection to Accelerate Opportunity.
Dr. Doré thanked the board for the opportunity to be with them tonight. Dr. Doré recognized State Board Chair, Ms. Terri Thompson, and Dr. Craig Herndon for also attending tonight’s meeting.
Dr. Doré shared his first day on the job was at Reynolds Community College where he met with students, and he still keeps in touch with students he met that day.
Chancellor Doré provided a high-level presentation of Accelerate Opportunity and the connection to the 23 community colleges. See link for additional information on Accelerate Opportunity.
Chancellor Doré then addressed questions from the board.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Chair Studevant declared the meeting adjourned at 5:55 pm.
The board proceeded to dinner at East Coast Provisions in Carytown.
Paula P. Pando, Secretary
Mary Studevant, Chair