Teaching Guides & Resources > Online Teaching & Learning > HyFlex > Testimonials

What They're Saying About HyFlex

Kathy Larue quote

Transcript: "I went into Hyflex kicking and screaming. I had a vision of me and one student in class but I realized that students know themselves. They know what works for them. My experience has been that typically, students who started off coming to class, continue in that modality unless they really can’t get to class. Now, I realize that even if I have a handful of students who want to attend in person or in Zoom, it is worth the effort to meet the needs of those students. Kathy Larue, Assistant Professor, Teacher Education/Program Head."

  Stephanie Daniel quote

Transcript: "The best thing about Hyflex is the flexibility. Students appreciate the flexibility because of their busy schedules that consist of working full-time and having time for their families while also taking classes. They like having a choice from week to week. Stephanie Daniel, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education/Program Head."

David Stern quote

Transcript: "What I find most appealing about HyFlex classes is how it allows me to offer students more ways to accommodate their lives. Students who work strange hours do not feel the kind of pressure to get to campus, or be forced to withdraw from the class. In the summer it is especially nice to let students go on vacations with their families without having to penalize students, or make special arrangements. David Stern, Associate Professor, Communication."