Spring 2025 registration is still open!

Don't delay. If you have questions, please get in touch with us at advising@reynolds.edu or call (804) 371-3000.

Summer and Fall 2025 registration will open on April 7th.

Advising is important to your success at Reynolds!

In person advising is a walk in basis to best service students. Visit us at any campus location for advising & registration:

Parham and Downtown: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. with Wednesdays open until 6 p.m.

Goochland: Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (appointment recommended)

The Kitchens: appointment only

If you prefer a virtual appointment, please call 804-371-3000 to get scheduled!

Download the Advising Workbook: A tool to help Red Hawks register for classes!

Want to prepare for your advising meeting or registration?

Make sure you know how to access your Academic Advising Report that shows your academic requirements! This can be found in your SIS by logging into your MyReynolds account.

  1. Click "Academic Records & Progress" tile
  2. Click on "My Academic Requirements
  3. Select "View report as PDF" to generate an easier to view report. It may open in a new browser tab. 

Details on your Advising Meeting:  Your advising meeting may be by phone, via Zoom, or on campus and students will be connected to their person, will receive career & transfer discussions with their advisor to support their short term and long term goals, register for courses, review Student Portal, college payment options, and ensure that they have a strong start that will lead to a strong finish!

Here are some questions you can review to be prepared:

  • What programs interest you?
  • Do you intend to transfer to a four-year school?
  • What is your short term and long term goal?
  • Do you want to attend college full-time or part-time?
  • Would you prefer to attend classes online or in person?
  • What obligations do you have outside of school?

Course Registration Video Help

How to register for courses

How to register for courses with matching sections (math & English)

Virtual Registration Lab

Don't go it alone! We're here to help. Get advising and registration assistance using the Virtual Advising Sign Up. It's easy and available during regular business hours.

Simply fill out a quick form letting us know what type of assistance you need and a lab assistant will contact you via phone or Zoom.


  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Career Advising

In addition to academic program advising, Reynolds provides advising to help you with career exploration. Career advisors offer assistance in career decision-making, job searches, and on-site visits with employer visits.

Learn more about Career Advising

Transfer Advising

If you intend to transfer, Reynolds provides advising to help you develop a specific academic plan that will transfer to a four-year college or university of your choice.

Learn more about Transfer Advising