Educational Foundation Mission

The J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Educational Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization devoted to securing private resources to help support Reynolds and its students.

Reynolds is committed to ensuring that every citizen in our community has access and opportunity for a college education. We know that when educated individuals prosper, so do our neighborhoods, businesses, and Greater Richmond communities.

Fundraising activities at Reynolds are carried out by the Reynolds Community College Educational Foundation, Inc. The Foundation exists solely to support and promote Reynolds. Foundation projects include scholarships, equipment, buildings and grounds, and curriculum enhancement, among others.

View the 2024 Impact Report

Your help makes the difference

Every supporter and every donation to Reynolds accelerate the speed of regional progress through:

  • increased degree completion rates, often made possible through scholarship assistance
  • resulting in larger numbers of highly-skilled workers to meet local employer needs and lure industry to our region,
  • creating economic growth, greater personal fulfillment, and better communities

There are numerous ways that you can make a gift to Reynolds, and with all of them you have the reassurance that your gift will have a positive and lasting impact on the lives of area students and the Richmond region. 

The Finish Line Fund: A Powerhouse to Help Students Persist

The Finish Line Fund provides tuition support and emergency assistance payments to help Reynolds students persist and complete. Please consider giving to the Finish Line Fund to support:

  • A student facing an emergency expense: Working students continue to struggle with housing, food, childcare, and other expenses. Reynolds provides food pantries, benefits screening, and wraparound services to help them stabilize, including emergency assistance payments.
  • A student close to completion: Many students who pause their studies because of financial difficulties are within a few semesters of completing their programs. Your donation is helping students re-enroll or get through their last few credits. 

To learn more about the JSRCC Educational Foundation and options for supporting our mission, please contact us at 804-523-5181 or email