Student Policies and Procedures
Policy No. Procedure No. Policy Name Effective Date Last Revised
1-01   College Readiness for Non-High School Graduates 08/22/1989 01/28/2021
1-02   Tuition Refunds 08/23/1994 12/18/2018
1-03 1-03 Student Attendance 02/20/1990 06/27/2024
1-04 1-04 Student Complaints 12/02/2014 06/28/2024
1-05   Revocation and/or Withholding an Award 03/15/2016 10/22/2020
1-06  1-06 Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Students 08/16/1990 09/09/2024
1-07   Incomplete "I" Grade 04/15/1996 10/22/2020
1-08   Student Email 01/22/2013 09/24/2020
1-09 N/A Awarding of Federal Work-Study Funds 04/16/1991 10/21/2021
1-10   Student Initiated Withdrawal from a Course(s) 02/20/1990 07/21/2015
1-11   Admissions 04/22/2008 01/28/2021
1-12  1-12 Student Appeal of Academic and/or Administrative Decisions 07/01/1998 12/04/2023
1-13 1-13 Award of Degrees Posthumously 05/05/2009 09/28/2023
1-14   Student Sexual Misconduct (refer to 4-17) 04/20/1993 01/26/2023
1-15 1-15 Eligibility of Students with Disabilities to Receive Accommodations 09/26/2001 10/21/2021
1-16 1-16 Military-Related Students 02/25/2014 06/21/2021
1-17   Alcohol and Other Drugs 03/15/2018 05/22/2018
1-18 1-18 Participation in Student Activities, Clubs, and Organizations 02/17/2009 11/30/2023
1-19 N/A Academic Advising 10/01/1990 04/15/2021
1-20   Effective Catalog Year 07/17/2000 10/22/2020
1-21   Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) 10/01/1990 03/28/2024
1-22   Behavioral Intervention 03/02/2010 11/30/2023
1-23  1-23 Student Academic Honors, Recognition, and Commencement / Graduation 10/01/1990 11/12/2024
1-24 Licensure Disclosure 06/30/2024 06/30/2024
1-25 1-25 Student Illness, Injury or Death 01/25/2024 01/25/2024
1-26 1-26 Student Privacy and Release of Student Information 10/01/1990 05/27/2021
1-29 1-29 Participation in College-Sponsored Off-Campus Activities 02/01/1993 03/28/2022
1-33 1-33 Senior Citizens Tuition Assistance 02/17/1995 05/26/2022
1-34   Academic Honesty (refer to 2-07) 12/08/2000 01/16/2018
1-35 1-35 Student Conduct 08/15/1990 08/23/2024
1-36 1-36 Treatment of Federal Financial Aid When a Student Withdraws 11/29/2004 06/27/2024
1-37   Late Registration 08/08/2006 10/22/2020
1-38 1-38 Expressive Activity 01/10/2007 04/15/2021