The Parham and Downtown Campus Testing Centers will proctor tests by appointment only. Appointments must be made two business days in advance. The Goochland Campus Testing Center is closed. To make an appointment please contact us by email or leave a voicemail. We are checking our email and voicemail daily and will respond to email messages and phone messages within 24 business hours.


8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday


Parham Road Campus Testing Center

Downtown Campus Testing Center


Parham Road Campus Testing Center
804- 523-5411

Downtown Campus Testing Center
804- 523-5470

*Someone will respond to your message within 24 business hours.


Reynolds Testing Centers provide a proctored testing environment for distance courses, program entry, certification, and the like.

Reminders for Testing:

  • Check the testing center hours.
  • A government issued photo ID or Reynolds photo ID is required. High School IDs can be utilized if the student is in high school and the ID is current.
  • The test proctors will not serve students whose behavior is unprofessional or who refuse to follow directions.
  • No children are permitted in the Testing Center during testing sessions. Per College policy, no children under 14 can be left unsupervised anywhere in the building.
  • No food or drink, electronic devices, backpacks, purses, or other non-testing material allowed in the testing area. Lockers are not available for storage at this time.
  • Students who need to utilize specialized equipment for testing, please contact the Office of Student Accommodations.