Equity Through Action is an intentional approach to work harder because we must. At Reynolds, equity means understanding our students and what they need from us on day one.
Statement on Equity (adopted September 20, 2022)
At Reynolds Community College, we are committed to fostering an equitable educational
environment where all individuals can attain the knowledge and skills to pursue the college and
career path of their choice, develop a sense of self, and become active and contributing members
of their communities. Personal and social identifiers such as race, ethnicity, gender, disability,
citizenship, language, sexual orientation, religion, and/or income should not represent obstacles
to accessing educational opportunities, nor be predictors of future success.
Understanding the lived experience of the students and communities we serve is essential to our
ability to deliver on this commitment. At Reynolds, equity does not mean creating equal
conditions for all students, but rather targeting resources and removing barriers based on
individual students’ needs and circumstances, which includes providing differentiated supports
and respecting students’ voice and agency.
We measure and track progress toward our most important institutional priorities and goals with
data – aggregated and disaggregated - to ensure that our strategies promote equitable access,
progression, completion, and job placement outcomes for all students.
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Equity Through Action Special Events
MLK Day with Reynolds Community College President, Dr. Paula Pando Hosted by Clovia Lawrence
Juneteenth 2020 Community Conversation
2019 Equity Through Action Panel Discussion
2019 Inauguration Keynote Address by Dr. Pando
2019 Inauguration Ceremony (Albert Walker remarks)