EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/07/1997
REVISED DATE: 02/21/2017
  1. Purpose:

    To describe the college’s policy regarding children in classrooms and laboratories and the responsibility of adults to control the behavior of children on campus.

  2. Definitions:

    Children: any child in need of supervision, or under the age of 14.

    Non-student: any individual who is not officially enrolled at the college.

  3. Policy:

    The college is committed to maintaining an environment that is conducive to teaching and learning. In compliance with this commitment, children and non-students are not permitted in classrooms, laboratories, and testing centers unless they are participating in a pre-approved activity or receive prior approval from the appropriate dean.

    Children are not permitted on campus without parental/adult supervision.

    Individuals who are displaying disruptive behavior shall be instructed to leave the campus by the Department of Police.

    Violations of this policy by a registered student may result in student conduct disciplinary measures as outlined in Reynolds Policy 1-35, Student Conduct.

    This policy applies to all campuses as well as all college-owned or leased facilities.

  4. Procedures:

    1. Children unattended on campus

      1. Students, faculty, or staff who witness children on campus or in vehicles without parental/adult supervision should immediately notify the Department of Police at 804-523-5911. Individuals attending classes who leave children unattended on campus will be contacted by the Department of Police and will be requested to leave class to provide immediate supervision. The individuals may also be subject to additional law enforcement sanction which may include arrest.

    2. Non-students

      1. Students, faculty, and staff are strongly encouraged to contact the Department of Police at 804-523-5911, if they witness any behavior of nonstudents that is unusual, suspicious, disruptive, or threatening.

      2. The Department of Police will investigate the complaint and take appropriate action.

      3. Non-students that display disruptive behavior are subject to be removed from campus. A trespass notice may be issued prohibiting the individual from returning to college property. Violators of the trespass notice are subject to criminal prosecution.

  5. Other Information:

    Reynolds Policy 1-35, Student Conduct

    JSRCC Form 75-0005, Behavior Intervention Referral