Administrative Policies and Procedures
Policy No. Procedure No. Policy Name Effective Date Last Revised
4-01 4-01 College Policy Development and Approval, and Official Source Documents 11/26/1990 07/20/2023
4-02 Strategic Planning and Mission Review 05/15/1989 05/25/2023
4-03 4-03 Eating, Drinking, and Smoking In College Facilities 10/01/1990 10/21/2021
4-04 4-04 Weapons 01/22/2008 12/01/2022
4-05 Intellectual Property 02/10/2009 05/21/2020
4-06 Substantive Change 02/16/2010 12/01/2022
4-07 Hazard Communication Program 03/26/2013 N/A
4-08 4-08 Naming of College Facilities / Naming of Reynolds Facilities 05/05/2015 12/01/2022
4-09 Vehicle Repair for Instructional Purposes 06/22/2009 12/18/2018
4-10 Communicable Diseases and Viruses 03/15/2016 02/11/2020
4-11 4-11 Event Planning and Facilities Rental Management 05/18/2010 03/23/2023
4-12 4-12 Solicitation on Campus 07/21/2015 01/25/2024
4-13 Review Process for the Purchase of Computer Hardware, Software, and Related Technology 02/06/1990 05/05/2015
4-14 4-14 Conduct of Research at Reynolds 10/19/2010 12/01/2022
4-15 4-15 Public Information 07/10/1989 05/25/2023
4-17 Title IX - Sexual Misconduct 02/06/2018 01/26/2023
4-18 4-18 Online and Print Communications, Marketing and Social Media 02/25/2014 12/01/2022
4-20 College Policies and Official Source Documents -- Policy combined with 4-01 effective 7/20/2023 09/10/1990 02/21/2017
4-21 Reynolds Foundation Art Collection Management -- Policy currently under revision 08/25/2015 01/12/2016
4-22 Consumer Information 03/15/2018 01/27/2022
4-23 Distribution of Indirect Cost Recovery from Sponsored Programs 07/01/1991 07/17/2018
4-24 Certain Donations, Gifts, and Other Private Philanthropic Support 02/03/2021 05/27/2021
4-25 Use and Control of Forms 05/06/1991 02/06/2018
4-26 Control and Use of College Equipment 11/23/1992 02/19/2019
4-27 Externally-Funded Grants 02/01/1993 06/18/2019
4-29 4-29 Academic Calendar 07/06/1993 12/01/2022
4-30 4-30 Campus Security and Crime Awareness 10/11/1996 05/25/2023
4-31 Children and Non-Students on Campus 05/07/1997 02/21/2017
4-32 Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources 07/01/1998 04/24/2018
4-33 4-33 Fundraising 07/01/1998 05/25/2023
4-34 4-34 Emergency Preparedness and Communication in a Crisis 05/31/2005 02/19/2019
4-36 4-36 Employee Access to College Facilities 10/18/2004 09/06/2024
4-37 Fire Prevention 02/07/2006 04/15/2014
4-38 4-38 Record Retention and Disposition 05/23/2006 05/25/2023
4-39 Parking Enforcement - Policy currently under revision 05/23/2006 03/26/2013
4-40 Student and College Personnel ID Cards - Policy currently under revision 12/05/2006 02/21/2017
4-41 Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) 04/16/2013 10/25/2018