EFFECTIVE DATE:  11/20/1989
REVISED DATE: 04/23/2019
  1. Purpose:

    To describe the policy to be used for separating employees from active employment with the college and collecting information and college-owned equipment in a timely manner.

  2. Definitions:

    Employee: all full-time administrative, professional and teaching faculty, full-time classified staff, part-time faculty, and wage (hourly) employees.

    Exit interview: a written questionnaire completed by the separating employee, or optionally at the employee’s request, a face-to-face meeting with the separating employee and their respective President’s Executive Cabinet member or Human Resources, for the purpose of collecting data regarding the employee’s thoughts related to work experiences including job expectations, working conditions, supervision, and employee-employer relationships.

    Commonwealth of Virginia Exit Survey program: voluntary survey to collect information from separating Classified employees for the purpose of continuously improving workforce management programs for state agencies and their employees.

    Involuntary separation: termination from college service due to unacceptable behavior, job performance, or lay-off.

    Separating employee checklist: a form which accounts for the return of any and all college property by a separating employee, due to an involuntary or voluntary separation.

    Voluntary separation: includes separations due to resignation, normal retirement, early retirement, and disability retirement.

  3. Policy:

    1. J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College (Reynolds) shall ensure that employee separations from active employment are consistent with all applicable personnel laws, regulations, and policies governing these matters.

    2. The college is required to maintain information regarding employees who terminate their employment. The data provided from exit interviews can be used to help solve problems, increase effectiveness, and improve employee relations.

    3. College supervisors and managers shall initiate their appropriate administrative procedures, as required by their designated timeframes, in order to ensure a smooth transition for the separating employee and the administrative/organizational unit, and to allow sufficient time for appropriate areas of the college to reconcile accounts, collect college property and materials, and/or disengage computer access.

    4. Separating employees shall comply fully with established college procedures in order to ensure a smooth transition for the administrative/organizational unit, and to provide for the continuation of employee benefits to which the employee is entitled. Separating employees are required to reconcile all accounts and return all college property and materials upon separation.

    5. Upon receipt of the resignation notice, the college’s Office of Human Resources shall issue an official written acceptance of the resignation notification to the employee on behalf of the college

    6. Upon notification of employee separation, and prior to the separating employee’s resignation date, the Office of Human Resources shall provide each full-time employee with an employee separation package and an opportunity to have an exit interview with Human Resources or the respective President’s Executive Cabinet member. Completion of the exit interview questionnaire, which is provided in the employee separation package, and the exit interview meeting are optional for the separating employee. However, other documents in the employee separation package are required as noted.

  4. Procedures:

    1. Procedures for full-time faculty rank employees and classified employees

      1. Voluntary separation

        College employees who voluntarily terminate their employment from the college must submit a notification of resignation or intent to retire, in writing, to their immediate supervisor. JSRCC Form 35-0086, Letter of Resignation, is provided as a sample format.

      2. Involuntary separation

        In the case of an involuntary separation, the supervisor and Human Resources will provide the separated employee with specific direction regarding the separation process on a case-by-case basis.

      3. Advance notice of separation

        Resignations of classified staff should normally include a two-week notice period. Resignations of faculty rank positions should normally include a minimum of a thirty-day (30) notice period.

        Full-time college employees who intend to retire from state service should submit their notification of intention to retire ninety days (90) prior to their intended retirement date.

      4. Immediate contacts

        Upon receipt of the resignation notification, the supervisor will notify their respective supervisor and President’s Executive Cabinet member. Additionally, the supervisor must provide the original signed resignation notice to Human Resources within one (1) business day of notification from the separating employee.

      5. Human Resources responsibility

        1. Upon hire, the Office of Human Resources will ensure that each employee completes and signs JSRCC Form 35-0089, New Hire/College Equipment Authorization Form. The form executes an agreement with the new employee and the college to return all college-issued equipment in the event of separation or termination from the college.

        2. Upon receipt of the resignation notification, and prior to the last day of work, the Office of Human Resources will send the separating employee an email to provide official written acceptance of the resignation notification on behalf of the college. The separating employee’s supervisor will be copied on this email correspondence. Additionally, the Office of Human Resources will provide the employee separation package to the employee via campus mail or will have it hand-delivered. The package will include the following:

          1. Memorandum of Instruction from Human Resources
          2. Employee Exit Interview Questionnaire
          3. Request for Personal Exit Interview Form
          4. Separating Employee Checklist, Part A and Part B

          Note: the separated full-time Classified Employee will be invited to participate in the Commonwealth of Virginia Exit Survey Program; guidance for completion of this survey will be included in the email to the employee from the Office of Human Resources.

        3. Upon receipt of the resignation notification, and prior to the last day of work, Human Resources will notify the following (via email) of the employee’s intended departure date:

          1. computer systems engineer manager
          2. manager, administrative computing
          3. applications development and support manager
          4. applications programmer analyst/consultant
          5. data management technician senior

          Additionally, the following individuals will be copied on the above email correspondence:

          1. college president
          2. vice president of finance and administration
          3. vice president of technology
          4. respective vice president or associate vice president
          5. respective Reynolds Leadership Council member
          6. employee’s supervisor(s)
          7. budget manager
          8. chief of police and lieutenants
          9. director of facilities management and planning
          10. parking services manager
          11. facility manager
          12. buildings and grounds manager
          13. payroll technician
          14. accounting manager
          15. human resources staff
          16. policy and institutional effectiveness data analyst
          17. assistant vice president, academic affairs (for full-time teaching faculty positions only)

          This notification from the Office of Human Resources serves to advise these departments that they will soon need to collect items, inactivate accesses, and/or remove the separated employee’s name from stored databases on the employee’s last day of work. Moreover, several of the departments listed above are required to sign off on the employee’s Separating Employee Checklist, when the checklist is presented to the department by the separating employee. The signature of the department manager will indicate that all conditions have been satisfied, and the employee is released from further responsibility.

        4. Within two (2) business days upon receipt of the resignation notification, the Office of Human Resources will notify the employee and the employee’s immediate supervisor, via email, of the separating employee’s leave balance. The department manager and Human Resources will be copied on this email.

        5. On or before the separating employee’s last day of work, the Office of Human Resources will:

          1. set up and conduct the exit interview (if requested by employee)
          2. collect the Exit Interview Questionnaire (if completed by employee)
          3. collect the completed Separating Employee Checklist, Parts A & B
          4. notify the accounting manager of the receipt or non-receipt of the completed Separating Employee Checklist (via email) in order to make repayment/recovery arrangements as provided by the Department of Accounts (DOA).
      6. Separating employee’s responsibility

        1. Submit notification of resignation or intent to retire to the immediate supervisor within the timeframes established in college policy.

        2. Work with supervisor to ensure smooth transition of job duties and responsibilities during final work days. Also, obtain advance approval of leave requests to be used during the final work days.

        3. Complete the following prior to the last day worked:

          1. meet with the Human Resources or respective President’s Executive Cabinet member for the requested exit interview – optional
          2. Exit Interview Questionnaire – optional
          3. Request for Personal Exit Interview Form – optional
          4. Separating Employee Checklist – required
          5. Change of Address – review and revise, if needed, home and mailing addresses in HRMS
          6. reconcile all financial obligations with the college through the accounting manager.
          7. indicate willingness or not to participate in the Commonwealth of Virginia Exit Survey Program
        4. Return previously issued items to supervisor and the departments listed on the Separating Employee Checklist and obtain the appropriate signature(s). This must be completed on or before the last day worked.

        5. Obtain clearances from Department of Technology regarding computer accesses and passwords using the Separating Employee Checklist. This must be completed on or before the last day worked.

        6. Return the completed Separating Employee Checklist to the Office of Human Resources on or before the last day of employment.

        7. Complete and submit final timesheets and/or leave requests to supervisor on or before the last day of work.

        8. If retiring, complete the VRS Retirement Application and forward to the college’s senior benefits specialist ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of retirement.

      7. Supervisor’s responsibility

        1. Upon receipt of the resignation notification letter and within one (1) business day, contact the respective supervisor and President’s Executive Cabinet member to inform them of the impending vacancy.

        2. Provide original signed resignation notification Human Resources within one (1) business day of notification from the separating employee.

        3. Develop a transition plan with the separating employee to ensure appropriate handling and coverage of work duties and responsibilities during final work days.

        4. Use the leave balance email sent by the Office of Human Resources to provide guidance regarding the approval of requests for leave usage (time away from work) affecting the separating employee.

        5. Approve any outstanding payable time and absence requests in HRMS for the separating employee.

        6. Collect employee identification card, name badges/desk plates, and all work unit keys (e.g., file cabinet, desk, etc.). Collect work unit/department-issued items (e.g., office manuals, etc.). Oversee the clean-up and removal of personal items from the employee’s work area (e.g., cubicle, office, etc.) to ensure college property is not removed from the premises.

        7. Direct employee to return all building/office keys to the Department of Police as part of the Separating Employee Checklist procedure.

        8. Provide the following items collected from the separating employee to the:

          1. Office of Human Resources: name badges and desk plates
          2. Department of Police: employee identification card
        9. If the separating employee has satisfied the work conditions of the unit, sign the Separating Employee Checklist indicating all conditions have been met.

        10. Contact the Office of Human Resources if the employee fails to report to work as scheduled.

        11. Allow the separating employee appropriate time as needed to obtain signatures and proper authorizations on the Separating Employee Checklist.

        12. Instruct employee to return (in person) the completed Separating Employee Checklist to the Office of Human Resources on or before last day worked.

        13. In accordance with Reynolds Policy No. 4-32, Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources,  the supervisor will submit JSRCC Form 40-0006, Computer Access Request Form, to the IT HelpDesk indicating appropriate action; e.g., delete access, change access.

      8. Human Resources’ responsibility
        1. After the separated employee’s final work day, Human Resources will review the outcome of the exit interview meeting and the exit questionnaire, and promptly notify the appropriate supervisor and President’s Executive Cabinet member of any serious personnel issues.

        2. Notify the accounting manager of the receipt or non-receipt of the completed Separating Employee Checklist (via email).

        3. Based on the total number of college separations and the responses received from the exit interview questionnaire, Human Resources will provide a statistical data report and summary of college separation activity to the President’s Executive Cabinet. This report will be distributed in January and July of each year.

    2. Procedures for part-time employees (adjunct faculty, wage/hourly, and work-study employees)

      1. Voluntary separation

        Part-time employees who voluntarily terminate their employment from the college must submit a notification of resignation in writing to their immediate supervisor. JSRCC Form 35-0086, Letter of Resignation is provided as a sample format. The supervisor is responsible for collecting college-issued items (e.g., keys, ID cards, name badges/desk plates, textbooks, etc.) and forwarding the collected documents to the appropriate departments for further handling. The supervisor is responsible to complete the “Separating Employee Checklist for Part-Time Wage/Hourly and Adjunct Faculty” and return the signed checklist to the Office of Human Resources.

      2. Involuntary separation

        1. In the case of an involuntary separation of part-time employees (adjunct faculty and wage/hourly employees) due to insufficient academic credentials or unacceptable behavior or job performance, the supervisor and Human Resources will provide the separated employee with specific direction regarding the separation process on a case-by-case basis. In most cases, the supervisor will remain responsible for collecting college-issued items (e.g., keys, ID cards, name badges/desk plates, textbooks, etc.) and for forwarding the collected documents to the appropriate departments for further handling, unless directed otherwise by Human Resources.

          1. For adjunct faculty, the academic dean or designee must notify the faculty member in writing (with a copy to the Office of Human Resources) of their non-reemployment with the college for reasons due to insufficient academic credentials or termination due to unacceptable behavior and/or unsatisfactory work performance.

          2. For a wage/hourly employee, the Reynolds Leadership Council (RLC) member or designee must notify the wage/hourly employee in writing (with a copy to the Office of Human Resources) of their termination from the college due to unsatisfactory work performance.

        2. In the case where an adjunct faculty member is no longer assigned a course load, the academic dean or designee must make the necessary arrangements to collect the college-issued items (e.g., keys, ID cards, name badges/desk plates, textbooks, etc.). The academic dean or designee will ensure the collected items are forwarded to the appropriate departments for further handling. In accordance with Reynolds Policy 3-26, Appointment and Compensation of Adjunct Faculty and Non-Teaching Personnel, when an adjunct faculty member has not been assigned a course load for eighteen (18) months, the academic dean or designee will notify the Office of Human Resources that the adjunct faculty member is to be separated. The supervisor is responsible to complete the “Separating Employee Checklist for Part-Time Wage/Hourly and Adjunct Faculty” and return this signed checklist to the Office of Human Resources.

        3. In the case where a wage/hourly employee has completed a limited position assignment and is no longer needed, the supervisor must make the necessary arrangements to collect the college-issued items (e.g., keys, ID cards, name badges/desk plates, textbooks, etc.). The supervisor will ensure the collected items are forwarded to the appropriate departments for further handling, and will notify the Office of Human Resources that the wage/hourly employee is to be separated. On the wage/hourly employee’s last work day, the supervisor will also submit JSRCC Form 40-0006, Computer Access Request Form, to the IT HelpDesk indicating the requested action of “Delete.” This document will serve as the official notification of the employee’s separation from the college. The date the request is submitted will serve as the effective date of separation. The supervisor will also complete the “Separating Employee Checklist for Part-Time Wage/Hourly and Adjunct Faculty” and return this signed checklist to the Office of Human Resources.

        4. In the case where a federal work-study student has completed the academic term and will not return for a subsequent term, the Office of Financial Aid will notify the Office of Human Resources via email within thirty (30) days from the beginning of the next academic term. This notification will serve as documentation that the work-study student is to be separated.

      3. Advance notice of separation

        Resignations of part-time employees should normally include a two-week notice period.

      4. Immediate contacts

        Upon receipt of the resignation notification from a part-time employee, the supervisor will contact their respective supervisor and President’s Executive Cabinet member. Additionally, the supervisor must provide the resignation notification to Human Resources within one (1) business day of notification from the separating employee.

      5. Human Resources responsibility

        1. Ensure that each part-time employee completes JSRCC Form 35-0089, New Hire/College Equipment Authorization Form, prior to the first day of employment. This form executes an agreement with the new employee and the college to return all college-issued equipment in the event of separation or termination from the college.

        2. Upon receipt of the notification of resignation, the Office of Human Resources will notify the following (via email) of the employees intended departure date:

          1. Budget Office
          2. Payroll Office
          3. Department of Police
          4. Department of Technology
          5. coordinator of college-wide professional development
          6. director of facilities management and planning
          7. parking services manager

          This email notification from the Office of Human Resources serves to advise these departments that they must contact the part-time employee and their respective supervisor in order to arrange the collection of college-issued items, reconcile accounts, inactivate accesses, and/or remove the separated employee’s name from stored databases on the employee’s last day of work.

        3. Each month, the Office of Human Resources will review wage personnel records in HRMS to identify those individuals who have not worked in the previous three (3) months and will move those individuals to “separated” status. The supervisor, Department of Technology, and Department of Police will be notified of this action so that appropriate access may be terminated. The supervisor will be responsible to complete the “Separating Employee Checklist for Part-Time Wage/Hourly and Adjunct Faculty” and return the signed checklist to the Office of Human Resources.

        4. Three (3) times per year, generally at the end of the fall, spring and summer semesters, the Office of Human Resources will review adjunct faculty personnel records in HRMS to identify those individuals who have not worked in the previous eighteen (18) months and will move those individuals to “separated” status. The hiring manager/academic dean, Department of Technology, and Department of Police will be notified of this action so that appropriate access may be terminated. The hiring manager/academic dean will be responsible to complete the “Separating Employee Checklist for Part-Time Wage/Hourly and Adjunct Faculty” and return the signed checklist to the Office of Human Resources.

      6. Separating employee’s responsibility

        1. Submit notification of resignation to the immediate supervisor within the time frame established by college policy.

        2. Complete the following prior to the last day worked and return previously issued college items to supervisor that include, but are not limited to:

          1. college employee identification card, name badges, desk plates
          2. keys (building/office keys, file cabinet keys, desk keys, etc.)
          3. other unit-issued college items
          4. return previously issued college items to the applicable departments
          5. request exit interview with Human Resources or President’s Executive Cabinet member – optional
      7. Supervisor’s responsibility

        1. Upon receipt of the resignation notification, contact the respective supervisor and President’s Executive Cabinet member to inform them of the impending vacancy.

        2. Provide resignation notification to Human Resources within one (1) business day of notification from the separating employee.

        3. If the employee gives no advanced notice of departure, the Office of Human Resources will be notified via email immediately after the supervisor has been informed that the employee has left the college. The supervisor will work with the Office of Human Resources to contact the employee and retrieve any college-owned items.

        4. For wage/hourly and work-study employees, ensure all timesheets are completed in HRMS prior to the last day of work. For adjunct faculty, send revised adjunct contracts to the Office of Human Resources

        5. Collect employee identification card, name badges/desk plates, and all keys (e.g., building/office, file cabinet, desk, etc.). Collect work unit/department-issued items (e.g., office manuals, etc.). Oversee the clean-up and removal of personal items from the employee’s work area (e.g., cubicle, office, etc.) to ensure college property is not removed from the premises. Complete the “Separating Employee Checklist for Part-Time Wage/Hourly and Adjunct Faculty” and return the signed checklist to the Office of Human Resources.

        6. Provide the following items collected from the separating employee to the:

          1. Office of Human Resources: name badges and desk plates
          2. Department of Police: employee identification card and building and office keys
        7. If the separating part-time employee does not return all college-issued equipment prior to or on the last day of employment, the supervisor will notify the Office of Human Resources Office and the Payroll Office immediately. The employee’s paycheck may be held until the items are returned, or the cost of the missing item(s) may be deducted from the employee’s pay.

        8. In accordance with Reynolds Policy 4-32, Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources, the supervisor will submit JSRCC Form 40-0006, Computer Access Request Form, to the IT HelpDesk indicating appropriate action; e.g., delete access, change access.

  5. Other Information:

    The college’s Office of Human Resources is responsible for the official interpretation of this policy. Questions regarding the application of this policy should be directed to Human Resources.

    Department of Human Resource Management Policy 1.60, Standards of Conduct

    Department of Human Resource Management Policy 1.70, Termination/Separation from State Service

    Reynolds Policy 3-26, Appointment and Compensation of Adjunct Faculty and Non-Teaching Personnel

    Reynolds Policy No. 4-32, Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources

    JSRCC Form 35-0086, Letter of Resignation (Sample Format)

    JSRCC Form 35-0089, New Hire/College Equipment Authorization Form

    JSRCC Form 40-0006, Computer Access Request Form

    Sample Checklist Forms provided by Human Resources upon Employee Separation: