EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/16/1990
REVISED DATE: 01/28/2021
  1. Purpose:

    To provide guidance to the public and college community regarding standards for admission to the college for individuals who have not earned a high school diploma or equivalent.

  2. Definitions:

    Advanced Studies Diploma : a diploma for students who complete 24 or 26 standard units of credit (depending on time of enrollment in high school) as outlined in the Virginia Department of Education regulations, earn nine (9) verified credits, and beginning with students who enter ninth grade in 2013-14, successfully complete one virtual course.

    Applied Studies Diploma (formerly Special Diploma) : a diploma for students with disabilities who complete the requirement of their individualized education plan (IEP) but do not meet the requirements for other diplomas (standard or advanced).

    Certificate of Program Completion : a certificate for students who complete a prescribed program of studies as defined by the local school board but do not qualify for a diploma and who may or may not have IEP.

    General Achievement Diploma : a diploma for students who are at least 18 years of age, are not currently enrolled in high school, have completed the prescribed standard units of credit; a passing score on a high school equivalency examination approved by the Virginia Board of Education; and the attainment of a Board-approved career and technical education credential.

    General Educational Development (GED) Certificate : a certificate awarded to students who successfully pass the GED test.

    Modified Standard Diploma : a diploma for students with a disability, as identified on their IEP, who are unlikely to complete the credit requirements for a standard diploma, complete 20 standard units of credit as outlined in the Virginia Department of Education regulations, and demonstrate numeracy and literacy competence (pass 8th grade math and English).

    Standard Diploma : a diploma for students who complete 22 standard units of credit as outlined in the Virginia Department of Education regulations, earn six (6) verified credits, and beginning with students who enter ninth grade in 2013-14, earn a board-approved career and technical education credential, and successfully complete one virtual course.

  3. Policy:

    The following diploma types are recognized by the Commonwealth of Virginia: Advanced Studies, General Achievement, Modified Standard, and Standard. Other types of awards given by high schools that are not recognized as diplomas include the Applied Studies Diploma and the Certificate of Program Completion.

    Students who indicate on the application for admission to Reynolds Community College (Reynolds) that they do not have a recognized high school diploma (i.e., Advanced Studies Diploma, General Achievement Diploma, Modified Standard Diploma, or Standard Diploma) or the recognized equivalent, i.e., a General Educational Development (GED) Certificate, must meet the college's readiness standards, administered by the college's Testing Center prior to being admitted as a curricular student.

    Students who meet the readiness standards may be admitted into the college as a curricular student. Such students must also satisfy any additional college admission policies and procedures for admission into a specific curricular program. While these students are eligible for curricular status, they are not eligible for federal financial aid.

    Students who fail to meet the readiness standards shall be classified as non-curricular until such time as they obtain a high school diploma or a GED Certificate. These students may be directed to a GED or high school completion program. Students may be allowed to retake the test for mitigating circumstances or after a minimum of four (4) months. Requests for retests must be approved by the vice president of student affairs.

    Students who do not have a high school diploma or its equivalent and who are at a distance may take the readiness test from a distance. However, students should contact the college's Testing Center to coordinate the testing at a distance. Students interested in this option must have an approved proctor (as determined by the Testing Center) at the testing site.

  4. Procedures:

    1. Students who seek admission to the college and who indicate on their application for admission that they do not have an approved high school diploma or a General Educational Development (GED) Certificate will be noted in the Student Information System as having no high school diploma/no GED by the Admissions Office.

    2. The Admissions Office will notify such students who select a curricular program on their application or on a curriculum change form that they must satisfy the college's readiness standards. There are some curricular programs that require the completion of a high school diploma or GED. The college catalog documents specific curricular requirements.

      1. Students who produce an official high school transcript or GED Certificate indicating successful graduation will no longer be required to satisfy the college readiness requirement.
      2. Students who fail to produce official high school transcripts or a GED Certificate will be required to complete one of the tests administered by the college that satisfies college readiness.
      3. A list of the minimum passing scores for each test can be found in Section V, Other Information.
    3. The Admissions Office will monitor scores in the Student Information System for all pending curricular applications and curriculum change requests belonging to students who do not have a recognized high school diploma or GED.

  5. Other Information:

    College Readiness Standards for Non-High School Graduates

    Virginia Community Colleges Systems (VCCS) Accepted High School Diploma Types

    Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), Graduation Requirements