EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/1998
REVISED DATE: 12/04/2023
  1. Purpose:

    J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College (Reynolds) is dedicated to an affirmative action policy, which provides that all matters relating to present and prospective students will be handled fairly and equitably. Unless otherwise specified, this policy provides a forum for students to lodge challenges to decisions by the college that are considered a violation of the student's right with regard to federal or state law, or policies covered by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), the Virginia Community College System (VCCS), or institutional policy outlined in the student handbook, college catalog, or other publication. In the event there is another policy which provides recourse for a student that is related to his/her claim, that student will be advised of that particular policy.

  2. Definitions:

    Academic appeal: a formal process through which a student can challenge his/her course instructor and the college’s administrative leadership regarding the student’s final grade in a course. A final course grade appeal must be based on at least one of the following claims: (1) capricious action on the part of the faculty member that affects the student’s final grade. A capricious action is defined as one made on a whim or without justifiable reasons. (2) prejudicial treatment of the student by the faculty member with respect to the application of the course syllabus, thereby affecting the student’s final grade. Prejudicial treatment is defined as treating the student lodging the final grade appeal differently from other students in the course with respect to the instructor's application of the course syllabus. (3) a documented error in calculating the student’s final grade.

    Non-academic appeal: a formal process through which a student or student group can challenge a decision made by a staff member representing an administrative office that negatively affects a student/student group’s standing with the college. A non-academic appeal may include disputes between a student/student group and an office regarding the interpretation and/or application of the policies and procedures of the college, the Virginia Community College System, federal or state guidelines, student governance issues, student activities, and other concerns that a student might present for redress. A non-academic appeal may be based on one of the following claims: (1) arbitrary and/or capricious actions by a staff member or administrative office. A capricious action is defined as one made on a whim or without justifiable reasons. (2) prejudicial treatment of a student by a staff member or administrative office. Prejudicial treatment is defined as treating the student lodging the non-academic appeal differently from other students with respect to the application of the policy addressing the decision being made. (3) an administrative error in the application of a policy by a staff member or administrative office.

    Student: any person who is officially registered at Reynolds during the specific academic semester or term in which the grievance occurs.

    Student Appeals Review Team: an ad-hoc committee established to hear a Level III grievance matter. Review Team composition includes the appropriate President’s Extended Cabinet member, one (1) teaching faculty member, one (1) Division of Student Affairs representative, and one (1) student.

  3. Policy:

    It is the policy of Reynolds that substantive and procedural due process shall be applied in all matters pertaining to the rights of students. Substantive due process addresses the constitutional rights of the individual, and procedural due process is an affirmation of this protection. Every effort shall be exhausted to resolve student appeals in an amicable and fair manner.

    1. An academic appeal must be initiated within thirty (30) calendar days after the official last day of instruction (including the exam period) for the semester or term in which the incident occurred. Appeals must be in submitted in writing, but may be submitted in person, by mail, or electronically (e.g., email).

    2. A non-academic appeal must be initiated within thirty (30) calendar days after a decision is made. Appeals must be in submitted in writing, but may be submitted in person, by mail, or electronically (e.g., email).

    3. The college shall make every effort to respond to appeals within the timeline outlined in this policy. In order to ensure a timely resolution, the student has the responsibility to respond to requests for meetings within ten (10) business days of the request. In the event that the student does not respond to the request, the academic dean or President’s Extended Cabinet member has the discretion to uphold the decision being challenged. If the student was unable to respond due to incapacitation or other reason, he/she may submit a letter outlining the circumstances. However, it is at the discretion of the President’s Cabinet member to determine if the meeting should occur. Decisions to allow for a meeting to occur after having upheld the decision must consider the circumstances that prevented the student from responding, the timing of the request by the student, and the feasibility to address the matter based on the various policies involved with the case.

    4. In the event that a student is at a distance and is unable to travel to campus to meet, meetings may be facilitated by teleconference.

    5. Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Dean of Students for assistance in understanding this policy. In addition, the Office of Dean of Students shall assist students in determining the appropriate person with whom a student must file an appeal, and provide that person’s contact information.

    6. If a student has exhausted all of his/her options by way of this policy, the student may file a formal complaint with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) at https://www.schev.edu/index/students-and-parents/resources/student-complaints.

  4. Procedures:

    Procedure for Reynolds Policy 1-12, Student Appeal of Academic And/or Administrative Decisions

  5. Other Information:
