Seeking Faculty Feedback

The Career Development team would like to work with academic departments to share relevant, industry-specific information on a regular basis. We would also like to help incorporate career competencies in your curriculum for students to be ready for gainful employment. Please take a brief moment to share your feedback.

Faculty Learning Opportunities

Career Development has partnered with Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) to present on various topics for faculty. 

Check out all of the CETL Faculty Learning Opportunities

Career Competencies

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) is the leading source of information on the employment of the college educated, and forecasts hiring and trends in the job market; tracks starting salaries, recruiting and hiring practices, and student attitudes and outcomes; and identifies best practices and benchmarks. Reynolds’ Career Development subscribes to NACE standards, including the eight Career Competencies. These competencies are real skills to prepare all students to be successful in any career field and should be incorporated into our curricula. The eight competencies are career and self-development, communication, critical thinking, equity and inclusion, leadership, professionalism, teamwork, and technology.

Learn more about Career Competencies on the NACE website