Getting involved in student groups is an exciting way for students to meet fellow students, develop leadership skills and enhance their classroom experiences. By planning or participating in on-campus activities, students can help make a positive impact at Reynolds. Students can share their interest with active student groups, and groups in the process of forming by completing this interest form

Check out upcoming Student Club & Organization events and activities. Students who do not find a club or organizations that interests them can work with the Office of Student Engagement to request a new student club or organization (see process outlined below).

Student Groups

Active Minds

Active Minds is a student-driven club that promotes education and awareness for mental health. The club also aims to eliminate stigma associated with mental health issues through club activities that are fun and informative. For more information, please contact Nancy Bailey ( or Candyce Conner ( 

American Sign Language (ASL) Club

The A.S.L. Club offers a supportive space for American Sign Language & interpreting students to practice and network across all levels, promotes the ASL & IE programs, and connects students with local Deaf community events. For more information, please contact Carrie Humphrey ( or Colin Wells ( 

Black Student Union (B.S.U.)

The Black Student Union fosters outreach, awareness, and support of the Black community at Reynolds. For more information, contact Professor Nicole Terry ( or Karen Pettis-Walden ( 

Catholic Campus Ministry

Catholic Campus Ministry fosters fellowship and growth of the Catholic community at Reynolds. For more information, contact Professor Kellie Aldi ( 

Club Sports

Students interested in forming a recreation or club sport may register their group for a season. Prior to registration, the group must have at least four interested students including a captain and must identify preferred weekdays/times to play. Choose your sport and season to start: Sept. 1st - Oct. 15th, Oct. 15th - Nov. 30th, Feb. 1st - Mar. 15th, or Mar.15th - Apr. 30th. After you submit your registration, the captain will meet with Student Life to set up the season. For more information, please contact the Office of Student Engagement at

Community Service Club

The Community Service Club aims to connect students with local service opportunities at Reynolds and the surrounding area. The club works with local partners to host occasional service opportunities. For more information, please contact Dr. Ben Cowman ( 

Entrepreneurship Club

The Entrepreneurship Club provides resources to active and prospective student entrepreneurs to cultivate their success. The club offers a network to share goals and ideas, grow connections, and compete in business plan competitions. Students from any academic program are welcome. For more information, email Professor Robin Bagent ( or Professor Joe Neptune (

H.O.S.A. - Health Professionals

Designed to develop health professionals through education, collaboration, and experience, H.O.S.A offers students an opportunity to discover career options in health care, develop leadership skills, embrace a loving attitude dedicated to serving others, and inspire medical innovations that enhance patient care.  For more information, email Professor Nakia James ( or Phyllis James (

International Student Club

The International Student Club offers offer opportunities that expose students to a variety of countries and cultures, provides a welcoming space for students from all countries, and fosters culture diversity and awareness. For more information, email Associate Dean Mazhar Anik (

Latin American Student Association (L.A.S.A.)

L.A.S.A. is an inclusive student organization promoting and celebrating Latin American culture at Reynolds. The vision of L.A.S.A. is to circulate awareness of Latino culture through different activities such as educational programs, holding meetings, community leadership opportunities, and special events to embrace Latin American culture. Those who are either part of or interested in Latino cultures are welcome. For more information, contact Dr. Ernesto Quintero ( or Elmer Campos (

Muslim Student Association (M.S.A.)

The Muslim Student Association is a community-based club for students interested in Islam. While the main purpose of the club is to provide inclusive space for Muslim students at Reynolds, all are welcome to join. For more information, contact Jason Lira ( or Khizer Hayat ( 

National Society of Leadership and Success (N.S.L.S.)

Each fall and spring semester Reynolds students with at least a 2.5 cumulative G.P.A. and 6-36 credit hours completed are invited to apply to N.S.L.S.. This leadership program helps students achieve personal growth, career success, and empowers them to have a positive impact in their communities. The N.S.L.S. is a program offered under the direction of Student Life, and not considered a student organization. For more information, please contact Dr. Ben Cowman at

Phi Theta Kappa (P.T.K.)

Phi Theta Kappa is the internationally recognized academic honor society for two-year and junior colleges. This club provides its members with opportunities in leadership, scholarship, fellowship, and service. For more information, please visit or contact Professor Jennifer Hitchcock (

Robotics Club

The Robotics Club plans, designs, builds and test robots! We are a collaborative and innovative community. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned pro, there is a place for you in our club. For more information, please contact Satinder Gill ( or Salah Garada ( 

Student Association of the Living Truth (S.A.L.T. Christian Fellowship)

S.A.L.T. provides a welcoming and inclusive space for Christian fellowship, discipleship, and evangelism. For more information, please contact Professor Kathryn Swadgelo ( 


Spectrum at Reynolds Community College is a club that is open to all students. Its purpose is to create a safe and hospitable learning environment for everyone regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. The club is a social, educational, and advocacy group open to anyone who identifies as LGBTQ+ or Ally. For more information, please contact Professor Karen Neal ( 

Student Government Association (S.G.A.)

The Student Government Association advocates on behalf of the student body for issues and topics of interest to students at Reynolds. S.G.A. consists of elected and appointed members. Every August/September applications are available for elected and appointed positions. Terms run October through April. For more information, please contact Dr. Ben Cowman ( 

Student Veterans Association (S.V.A.)

The Student Veterans Association provides a social group and support structure to help military families and veterans adjust to and become successful in civilian and college life. For more information, please contact Elliott Ronan ( or Chequana Boisseau (

Transfer Club

The Transfer Club is for Reynolds students planning to transfer to 4-year college or university. The club provides social opportunities for students to connect and build a community. The club also assists in offering information about transferring to make the process easy. Students who are interested in joining the club are encouraged to email, Advisor Sandra Carter at

Student Club and Organization Forms

Starting a New Student Club/Organization

  1. Submit a Consultation Request and Meet with Director of Student Life to discuss the mission and goals of the request must be completed by students who will serve as officers.
  2. Have at least 4 active student members, and sufficient officers to fulfill the mission (at least President and Vice President).
  3. Find an advisor. All student clubs and organizations must have an advisor. The advisor must serve as a full-time faculty or staff member at Reynolds Community College to sponsor the organization. Adjunct or part-time staff members may serve as a co-advisor with a full-time faculty/staff member
  4. Complete an Organization/Club Constitution. Student Life staff will support officers and advisor with a guide and samples. The Constitution addresses why the organization is being formed and how the organization will be run.
  5. Complete Student Club and Organization Training facilitated by the Student Life Staff who will review the Handbook, expectations, procedures on how to hold an event/meeting, how to request funding, etc. At least two executive board officers and the advisor must complete. Trainings are online via Canvas. 
  6. Lastly, the Office of Student Engagement will assess all submitted documents and requirements met. If all requirements are met, the Director of Student Life and Dean of Students will review for final approval.

**Students may also pursue forming a sport club using the same Consultation Request form above. Sport clubs or recreational activities have special requirements that differ from other clubs due to equipment needs, eligibility criteria, and the potential for injury.**