Following are the six general education content areas. Prior to enrolling in the courses, students should check the course descriptions to ensure that they meet any pre- or co-requisites.
To avoid transfer problems, students should carefully select courses to fulfill requirements with the assistance of their advisors and upon an investigation of the transfer requirements of the institution to which transfer is contemplated.
Civic Engagement
Civic Engagement is the ability to contribute to the civic life and well-being of local, national, and global communities as both a social responsibility and a life-long learning process.
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking is the ability to use information, ideas, and arguments from relevant perspectives to make sense of complex issues and solve problems.
Professional Readiness
Professional Readiness is the ability to work well with others and display situationally and culturally appropriate demeanor and behavior.
Quantitative Literacy
Quantitative Literacy is the ability to perform accurate calculations, interpret quantitative information, apply and analyze relevant numerical data, and use results to support conclusions.
Scientific Literacy
Scientific Literacy is the ability to apply the scientific method and related concepts and principles to make informed decisions and engage with issues related to the natural, physical, and social world.
Written Communication
Written Communication is the ability to develop, convey, and exchange ideas in writing, as appropriate to a given context and audience.