EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/14/2005
REVISED DATE: 05/30/2017
To provide guidance regarding the development and implementation of travel-study programs or courses.
Faculty/staff sponsor: the instructional and administrative leader of the travel-study program or course; must be a full-time teaching, administrative, or professional faculty member of the college. The faculty sponsor accompanies the traveling groups.
Good standing: students are considered to be “in good academic standing” if they maintain a minimum GPA of 2.000 each semester and are not on academic suspension or dismissal.
Travel-study program: for the purpose of this policy, a travel-study program is a program in which one or more courses are linked to travel to a destination outside the state or abroad. In particular, the travel is central to the delivery of the course and is not a supplemental activity within the course (as guided by Reynolds Policy 1-29, Participation in College-Sponsored Off-Campus Activities). Travel within travel-study courses generally lasts one (1) to four (4) weeks in a given semester.
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College (Reynolds) seeks to provide a rich educational experience with the inclusion of travel-study programs or courses at the college. Following are those provisions and procedures that shall govern both the development and implementation of a travel-study program or course.
- Eligibility requirements
Any full-time faculty or staff member may submit a proposal to facilitate a travel-study program. Adjunct faculty may participate in the facilitation of a course, however, a full-time faculty or staff member must serve as the faculty/staff sponsor and participate in the travel experience. In all cases, the faculty or staff members must have the approval of his/her dean and vice president.
Students in good standing with the college (academically, socially, or otherwise) may participate in a travel-study program. Reynolds reserves the right to deny any student request to participate who is not in good standing.
No family members under the age of 16 are allowed to participate. All participants, including any family members, must be individually enrolled as a credit or audit student. No one is allowed to participate as a guest. An enrolled participant who is a minor—defined as under the age of 18—must be accompanied by an enrolled adult participant who is able and willing to assume responsibility for the minor.
Students must register and pay for all courses associated with the travel-study program/course and must pay all costs associated with travel within the designated timeframe.
- General provisions
All travel-study programs must be delivered through a course that is offered by the college. These courses must be approved in advance and are subject to all instructional policies of the college.
Program proposals must be submitted by March 31 of each year for summer term of the subsequent calendar year. Program proposals must be complete to be considered for approval.
If approved for a travel-study program, the faculty/staff sponsor must comply with all timelines and requirements to implement a travel-study program. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of the program.
The faculty sponsor (in collaboration with the Study Abroad Committee and selected travel agency) will regularly monitor any travel safety and security issues if they arise during program planning and travel.
The college reserves the right to cancel any program due to safety concerns or due to any other reason that is in the best interest of the college and students.
Students must comply with all requirements of the program and the college (see Handbook for Travel-Study Programs and Courses). Students who do not comply with the requirements of the program and college may be subject to removal from the program.
All publicity for travel-study programs or courses must be coordinated with the Marketing Office.
No pets are allowed on travel-study programs. Individuals with disabilities should contact the Office of Student Accessibility for information regarding accommodations or any adjustments needed in order to participate in a travel-study program or course. Information regarding the accommodation process may be found in Reynolds Policy 1-15, Eligibility of Students with Disabilities to Receive Accommodations.
- Eligibility requirements
Faculty or staff members interested in sponsoring a travel-study program must complete JSRCC Form 75-0009, Travel-Study Program or Course Request for Approval.
Upon review of the request for approval form, the Study Abroad Committee will review the request and make recommendation(s) to the President’s Executive Cabinet.
The President’s Executive Cabinet will review all recommendations and make a final determination on approved programs. The Study Abroad Committee will communicate the final decisions on behalf of the President’s Executive Cabinet.
The faculty/staff sponsor(s) will follow the prescribed timeline of activities for implementation which will include:
- contacting travel vendors for pricing and other related information;
- developing marketing information for student recruitment;
- marketing travel-study program to students;
- submitting outline of pre-trip activities to Study Abroad Committee for review;
- developing course and schedule;
- conducting orientation activities;
- managing administrative tasks for program which include:
- development of a risk assessment plan (which includes informing participants of all risks, and collecting waivers and other documents related to risk assessment).
- development of an emergency plan and contact list
The faculty sponsor should consult the Handbook for Travel-Study Programs and Courses.
Other Information:
Reynolds Policy 1-35, Student Conduct
JSRCC Form 75-0003, Request to Reserve a Campus Van
JSRCC Form 75-0004, Assumption of the Risk
JSRCC Form 75-0009, Travel-Study Program or Course Request for Approval
JSRCC Form 75-0010, Student Travel Expenditure Request/Report
JSRCC Form 75-0011, Instructional Plan and Program Budget
JSRCC Form 75-0012, Medical Agreement and Release
JSRCC Form 75-0013, Travel-Study Program or Course Participant Traveling Apart from Group or Returning Independently
JSRCC Form 75-0014, Travel-Study Program or Course Conditions of Participation
Handbook for Travel-Study Programs and Courses
Travel-Study Roles and Responsibilities