REVISED DATE: 06/28/2024

  1. Purpose:

    This policy covers student complaints and establishes procedures to address complaints of service, instruction or the environment at the college that negatively impacts a student. Grade and administrative decision appeals should refer to Reynolds Policy 1-12, Student Appeal of Academic and/or Administrative Decisions.

  2. Procedure and/or Process Definitions:

    Academic Disputes: complaints involving instructional program requirements.

    Appeal: a formal written dispute of the Formal Resolution process to the Dean of Students.

    Complaint: a written complaint of unfair and/or unlawful treatment formally charged by a student against a college employee, regarding the application of college rules, policies, procedures, and regulations

    Complainant: an individual who is alleged to be the victim of misconduct.

    Days: Days will mean business days during which the college is open. In computing any period of time, the day on which notice is receive will not be counted. Saturdays, Sundays, and college closures (scheduled and unscheduled) will not be counted.

    Formal Resolution: Submitting the Student Complaint Form to follow this set of policy and procedures for resolving a complaint as covered under this policy and procedure.

    Incident: the situation or circumstance that student perceives as grievable.

    Informal Resolution: Attempting to resolve the incident with involved parties prior to submitting a complaint in the formal process.

    Academic Non Disputes: complaints involving an administrative error.

    Respondent: an individual who has experienced a negative impact through instruction, service, or the environment at the college.

    Student: any person enrolled full- or part-time in credit or non-credit courses at the college.

  3. Procedures:

    1. Informal Resolution

      Students are encouraged to make reasonable efforts to have their complaints addressed informally. The complainant is strongly encouraged to discuss the matter in question informally with the respondent(s). The complainant should initiate the informal resolution of the student complaint process within ten (10) business days from when the complainant knew or should have known of the action or inaction. If the complaint is resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant, the matter is considered resolved.

    2. Formal Resolution

      If the complainant does not wish to attempt an informal resolution, or if satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, the complainant must initiate the formal phase of the student complaint process. The formal resolution should be filed within 10 business days of the action or inaction or within ten (10) business days of the conclusion or termination of the informal process, whichever is later. A written complaint via the online reporting system at must be completed.

      Upon receipt of the complaint submission, the Dean of Students will receive the report and will send to the appropriate college representative; generally the supervisor of the respondent(s). The appropriate college representative will respond to the formal resolution report within ten (10) days of receipt of the complaint. Should more time be needed to respond, the Dean of Students or appropriate college representative will communicate the delay and expected timeline.

      The appropriate college representative will interview involved parties, including potential witnesses and will review evidence provided by any party and will review the applicable college policies and procedures in rendering a decision. If a party chooses to not participate in the process, a decision will be rendered without their participation. Upon initial contact with the respondent and complainant, the college representative will be in contact with the parties in writing and will outline the following:

      1. The nature of the alleged complaint;
      2. Date(s) of alleged complaint;
      3. Name(s) of involved parties;
      4. Reynolds Policy 1-04, Student Complaint Policy. 

      Once the appropriate college representative has talked to all involved parties, reviewed all evidence and applicable policies and procedures, they will render a decision in writing to the complainant and respondent including the Appeal process.

    3. Appeal

      Any outcome of the formal complaint process, where the complainant or respondent(s) disagrees, either because of a belief that the process was not followed or a belief that errors were made in the process, may be appealed in writing by the complainant or respondent to the Dean of Students within 30 days of receipt of the response to the Formal Resolution. The appeal must identify one of the following grounds as the basis for appeal:

      1. A claim that the investigation was not conducted fairly or in conformity with the prescribed procedures;
      2. A claim that the decision reached by the appropriate college representative was not supported by substantial evidence;
      3. A claim that new evidence, at the time of investigation was not available, should be considered.

      The Dean of Students will review the record of the complaint and appeal and will affirm or deny consideration of the matter within ten (10) business days of the receipt of appeal. Should more time be needed to render a decision, the Dean of Students will communicate the delay and expected completion timeline. The review may or may not involve interviews with involved parties. The final determination shall be based on a review of whether a reasonable inquiry was made concerning the alleged action or inaction about which the student grieved and whether the findings were appropriate based on the facts determined in the investigation and the goals of this procedure</p

      Following the conclusion of the appeal process, the Dean of Students will provide a written explanation regarding the decision on the appeal and will be provided to the complainant, respondent, and original appropriate representative.

    4. Student Complaint Record Retention

      The Dean of Students Office will maintain an electronic record of all formal complaint, correspondence, evidence, appeals, and outcomes in a secure location. These files shall be maintained by the Dean of Students Office no less than three (3) years of the final outcome.

    5. Retaliation

      If a student or institutional representative believes they have been subjected to adverse treatment because of filing or participant in the Student Complaint Process, the Dean of Students should be notified in writing immediately. The Dean of Students will investigate the alleged retaliation and meet with all involved parties and attempt a prompt resolution to the situation. If the person claiming retaliation is dissatisfied with the resolution issued by the Dean of Students, students may appeal to the Vice President of Division of Student Affairs and employees may appeal to the Associate Vice President of Human Resources. The decision of the appropriate Vice President or Associate Vice President is final.

    6. Oversight

      The Dean of Students, shall be responsible for developing and maintaining procedures that are consistent with this policy. All supervisors and administrators shall ensure that the faculty and staff, including contractors, in their areas of responsibility are aware of and in full compliance with this policy. Any complaint and information pertaining to it shall be treated as confidential and access will be limited to authorized personnel only. Any complaints regarding the Dean of Students should be reported to the Office of Human Resources.

  4. Other Information:
