How many credits do I need to be considered a "full time" student?
Students enrolled in twelve or more credit hours are considered to be "full time" students. Those enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours are considered "part-time" students. Many students at Reynolds elect to enroll part-time due to work and/or other obligations.

How long is a semester?
Fall and spring semester are each 15 weeks in length. The summer semester extends 10 weeks. However, Reynolds offers many courses in shorter formats within each of these semesters. For example, 12 week, 10 week, 7 week, and 5 week, and dynamic courses are offered during fall and spring semesters.

What type of degrees can I earn at Reynolds?
Reynolds offers two types of degrees designed for students that intend to transfer to a four year college: The Associate of Arts (A.A.) and the Associate of Science (A.S.). Another degree type, the Associate of Applied Science is designed to prepare students for direct entry into the workforce. Reynolds Certificates and Career Studies Certificates are designed to help students upgrade occupational or technical skills, retrain for career change, and/or investigate new career possibilities.

Who do I go to if I don't know what I want to major in?
The Center for Career, Employment and Transfer assist students with major and career exploration, job search and transfer advising. Career and transfer services are available by appointment at both the Parham Road Campus and Downtown Campus. See Student Services for more information.

Can I take classes at any campus?
Yes, but be certain to schedule enough time to travel between campuses. A shuttle service is available between Parham Road Campus and Downtown Campus during the day.

When should I register for classes?
Registration usually begins 6 weeks before the start of classes. Registering early is important because it lets you get the classes you want at the time and location you desire.

What is a developmental class?
Many students place into developmental English or Math classes. These are courses designed to prepare students to move into college level courses that require higher level mathematical reasoning, reading and writing skills. Students whose placement test scores indicated a need for developmental coursework should enroll in these courses early in their program.

How do I know what classes to take?
Students who have successfully completed 15 or fewer credit hours will receive advising from Advising Services on each campus. Students who are non-curricular (have not declared a major) will also receive advising from Advising Services. Students who have successfully completed 16 or more credit hours will receive advising through their School/Faculty Advisor. Students are assigned a faculty advisor upon acceptance to Reynolds. Each curricular program, with the list of required courses for that major, is outlined in our College Catalog.

How do I find out the name of my Advisor?
Students with 15 or fewer completed credit hours should contact Advising Services. Students who have successfully completed more than 15 semester hours can find this information in their Student Information System, or through the administrative office associated with their academic school.

How do I know which courses will be offered each semester?
Each semester Reynolds publishes a Class Schedule, and can be viewed online.

What are TBA and Staff in the Schedule?
TBA means that the classroom is To Be Announced. "Staff" is the name used when the instructor for that particular section has not been determined at the time the schedule is published the schedule.

How do I actually register?
Log in to your "MyReynolds" account which provides access to student email and Canvas accounts, as well as the Student Information System through which students are able to access the course schedule and register for classes. For more information, visit "What is MyReynolds."

The computer won't let me register. What should I do?
Students returning from an absence of at least three years, or students who have submitted an application within the past year but never attended are automatically "discontinued" and must complete a new application for admission. Students who have difficulty registering should also check their "User Preferences" within the Student Information System (can be accessed via MyReynolds) to make certain they are attempting to register for the correct semester. For more information, visit Technology Support.

What is a "drop" and a "withdrawal"?
Students that decide they no longer wish to be enrolled in a course may either "drop" or "withdraw" from the course. Drop and withdrawal dates vary by course type: 16 weeks, 7 weeks, etc. A drop is permitted during the first 15 percent of the class. Students may receive a refund for a dropped class. If a student decides to exit a course between the 15 percent mark until the 60 percent mark it is considered a withdrawal. No refunds are granted for withdrawals. Students may drop courses online. Withdrawing must be done by contacting Advising Services ( or visiting an advising center on campus.

Can I withdraw from a class online? What if it is after the deadline?
No, students may drop classes online, but cannot withdraw online. Because withdrawals may impact financial aid, students must withdraw in the Advising Services office.

What if I go to the class and I am not on the roll?
If you registered for the course, but are not yet enrolled it is likely that you were dropped for non-payment. Students that utilize financial aid to pay for courses will be dropped if the financial aid is not awarded by the appropriate payment deadline. Remember, applying for financial aid is not the same as being "awarded."

May I add a class late?
Students may only attend classes for which they are registered, and registration ends the first week of class.

When I tried to register, I got a message saying "Pre-requisites not met." What do I do?
Reynolds offers courses linked together in both registration process and content called "Learning Communities." Learning Communities (LCs) are linked sections of two or more different courses that help students to make connections between various disciplines as well as with peers in the classroom. Many times students receive the "Pre-requisites not met" message because they are attempting to register for only one, rather than both of the LC courses linked together.

Students must add both LC courses to their "enrollment shopping cart" in order to successfully register. Check the schedule to determine if the course you are attempting to enroll in is part of a Learning Community. The letter "C" will be the first character of the section code if it if this is the case.

If the above issue is not your problem, you may review the course description in the Reynolds Catalog to determine course pre-requisites or contact Advising Services for assistance.

My class has moved. Where is it?
Because of all of the current renovations, classrooms frequently move. Please print a current schedule from the Student Information System within your "MyReynolds" portal on the first day of classes. This will ensure that you have the most recent course meeting time and location. Greeters will also be available at various campus locations during the first week of classes to assist students with locating courses that have been moved or rescheduled.

What career and job placement services does Reynolds provide?
There is a Career, Employment, and Transfer Center (CETC) located at both the Parham Road and Downtown Campus locations.

CETC staffs are able to assist students with career assessments, career exploration, and preparation for entering the job market. This preparation includes assistance with writing a good resume and interviewing skills.

The CETC also posts job openings, organizes an annual job fair and invites area employers to come to campus on a regular basis.

CETC staff also helps students identify four-year colleges that are a best for their desired educational and occupational goals and assist with the process of course selection to make sure students enroll in the appropriate courses required for to transfer to the college/major of your choice.

Does Reynolds offer accommodations to students with disabilities?
Yes. If you have a documented disability please, contact the Office of Student Accessibility to find out more about how to request accommodations.

How do I get a tutor for my class(es)?
Tutoring is available for most subjects on each campus through the Tutoring Services s. Students can utilize these services for up to two 50 minute sessions per week per subject. This service is free to students.

Do I need a parking permit and a student ID?
Yes, each new student must obtain a parking permit and student ID from the Office of Police and Security located on each campus. Students should obtain their parking permit and ID within the first two weeks of classes.

I don't have a computer. How can I complete my assignments?
Computer resources are available in all three campus Libraries, and these computers have much of the necessary software to complete coursework. Hours of operation for computer resources are based on the scheduled hours that the Libraries are open.

Why does Reynolds have its own bookstore?
The Reynolds bookstore sells all books and supplies used in Reynolds classes. They can "bundle" your books for easy pick-up and financial aid can be used at the campus bookstores.

I was dropped from all of my classes due to non-payment. What do I do?
If you have a copy of your original schedule you can log into MyReynolds and attempt to re-create it. However, there are no guarantees that your original classes will still be open. For in-person assistance, students can visit any Advising Services office by or before the last published to add a class.

How do I know what my grades are in a class?
Grades are posted at the end of each semester within the Student Information System that can be accessed via MyReynolds. It is your responsibility to check these on a regular basis.

What should I do if a grade is missing or I think I received an incorrect grade?
Contact your instructor or the academic school that offers that course first to determine what may have occurred. If no resolution is achieved, you may wish to pursue the grievance process. You can find more information about this process in the section on Student Policies.

How do I determine my academic status?
Students will be notified of their academic standing via a letter from Reynolds sent to their official Reynolds email address. Academic Standing is also noted in the Student Information System which can be accessed via MyReynolds.

What should I do if my transfer credit is not showing up on my student record?
Reynolds only evaluates transfer course credits for courses transferred in that are course requirements within a student's current program of study that is indicated in the Student Information System. Contact Admissions and
Records for assistance at (804) 523-5029 if you have any questions about this process.

How do I get verification that I am enrolled as a full-time student?
The Advising Services office on any campus, or Office of the Registrar can assist you with this after the last day to drop a course for a refund in any given semester.

How do I know which credits from my previous college will transfer?
Office of the Registrar will evaluate official course transcripts and award course credit based on a student's current program of study. Unofficial transcripts can be used for advising purposes, but an official transcript must be sent to Reynolds in order to receive official course credit.