The governance structure of Reynolds Community College prioritizes including the meaningful voices of administration, faculty, staff, and students in the decisions affecting the college’s operations, policies, and strategic planning and strategic execution.
Continue reading for information about Constituent Groups, Governance Committees, and Ad Hoc Committees at Reynolds.
Accreditation Review and Reporting Committee
Purpose: Ensures the college is prepared for accreditation review by SACS, SCHEV, DOE, and other relevant bodies.
Chair/Leader: Tim Merrill
AI Leadership Team
Purpose: This team is tasked with guiding the institution through the integration and ethical utilization of AI technologies, ensuring that our community remains at the forefront of innovative educational practices while upholding our commitment to excellence, integrity, and the ethical use of emerging technologies.
Chair/Leader: Lindsay Robinson
Awards and Recognition Committee
Purpose: The Awards & Recognition Committee ensures that colleagues with a college or state service milestone are recognized, organizes the annual nomination and selection cycle for the President’s special awards, and plans Employee Appreciation Day in May.
Chair/Leader: Joshua Cole
Career and Technical Education Program Advisory Committees
Ensure Reynolds curriculum is relevant to the industry landscape and current needs of employers in the Richmond region. These committees are made up of staff from business and industry. There are 24 active advisory committees.
Chair/Leader: Program Level Department Chairs and School Deans
Curriculum Committee
Purpose: To consider policies and procedures and make recommendations related to the following: (a) the college's curriculum and the content of its presentation in the college catalog, including proposals for new and revised programs, requests for discontinuance of programs, and requests for new or revised courses; ensuring that the college’s curriculum adheres to VCCS policy and the requirements of SACSCOC; and (b) the systematic evaluation of the college's academic programs and curriculum, ensuring that the college's curriculum supports the mission of the college and the Virginia Community College System.
Chair/Leader: Carrie Humphrey
Faculty Senate
Purpose: The purpose of the Faculty Senate shall be to promote the general welfare of Reynolds and the full-time and adjunct teaching faculty by providing an orderly process for faculty participation in the shared governance of the college and promoting effective communications within the college.
Chair/Leader: Karen Neal
General Education Committee
Purpose: Oversee the general education component of the college's academic programs and the assessment of student learning in general education at the college, discipline, and academic program levels. Oversight responsibilities of the committee include evaluating courses for inclusion on the approved general education course list; maintaining the approved general education course list in current, accurate form; developing and implementing a plan for the systematic assessment of student learning in general education; recommending policies and procedures to improve the assessment of student learning in general education; reviewing general education assessment results and making recommendations for any changes warranted by those results; and, encouraging faculty development related to assessment, including use of assessment techniques to improve teaching and learning.
Chair/Leader: Tim Merrill
Commencement Committee
The Commencement Committee is charged with the planning, coordination, and execution of Reynolds Community College annual commencement ceremony. This committee will ensure that all components of the ceremony—from logistics to academic recognition—are executed with excellence, reflecting the college’s commitment to celebrating student achievements. The committee will work across departments to coordinate efforts, ensuring a seamless and memorable event for graduates, their families, and the college community.
Chair/Leaders: Ariel Cole and Angela Ross
Policy Workgroup
Purpose: The Policy Workgroup is responsible for coordinating the development, review and implementation of college policies and procedures. In addition, the workgroup will ensure that proposed policies address a college need or mandate and are consistent with the college’s mission, review draft policies for alignment with existing college and VCCS policies and procedures; ensure that each policy has an identified responsible office; seek input from relevant constituencies and consider and respond to that input before making a recommendation for approval by the cabinet.
Chair/Leader: Tim Merrill
Student Government Association
Purpose: The Student Government Association members advocate on behalf of the student body for issues and topics of interest to students at the college. The Student Senate is composed of students representing the Parham Road, Downtown and Goochland campuses.
Status: Active
Chair/Leader: Alejandro Coello-Veillette
Data Governance
Purpose: Reynolds owns a wide range of software applications, stores data from them, and reports on that data to manage operations and inform decision-making. The Data Governance Committee provides centralized, standardized governance processes for managing policies around data access, storage and interpretation. The mission of the data governance structure is to establish a culture that ensures that institutional data is accurate, secure and available to those who need it. The Data Governance Committee (1) leads data strategy, (2) defines process for data-related practices and procedures, and (3) codifies data stewardship from software applications.
Status: Active
Chair/Leaders: Mel Boynton and Mike Murphy
Strategic Enrollment Management Committee
The Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Committee leads and coordinates efforts to achieve enrollment goals that align with Reynolds Community College’s mission and Strategic Plan. The Committee’s work supports a comprehensive approach to student recruitment, retention, and completion, ensuring sustainable enrollment growth, student success, and equitable outcomes for all students.
Status: Coming Spring 2025
Chair/Leader: Dr. Jennifer Mezquita-Macaia
Student Retention and Success Committee
The Student Retention and Success Committee provides strategic leadership, coordination, and operational support for Reynolds Community College’s student retention and success initiatives, aligning with the college's Impact 2027 Strategic Plan goals and other relevant institutional plans focused on student achievement and success.
Status: Coming Spring 2025
Chair/Leader: Dr. Jennifer Mezquita-Macaia
Flight Path Communications Team
The Flight Path Communications Team leads the internal and external sharing of information about the Flight Path student success work at Reynolds Community College. This cross-departmental team develops external and student-facing materials about the Flight Path, supports the action team leads and data team in communicating important information and milestones to faculty and staff, and maintains an archive of information that documents the Flight Path journey.
Status: Active
Chair/Leader: Lindsay Robinson
Reynolds Data Team
The Flight Path Data Team leads data collection and analysis of Flight Path interventions at Reynolds Community College. This cross-departmental team supports data requests from action team leads, develops methods for tracking progress towards Flight Path goals, identifies and reviews key performance indicators for each intervention, provides leadership over data literacy across campus, and supports the collection of quantitative and qualitative data with particular focus on the student voice.
Status: Active
Chair/Leaders: Tim Merrill and Melanie Boynton
Flight Path Opportunities and Recognition Team
The Flight Path Opportunities and Recognition Team leads efforts to raise awareness of the Flight Path work in external venues, facilitates timely and meaningful internal recognition and celebration of accomplishments, and identifies opportunities for external funding to continue to advance and scale the work. This cross-departmental team will focus on the connection and celebration of our people in the Flight Path work. This team will also monitor the national landscape surrounding student success efforts in order to raise awareness and recognition of Reynolds’ Flight Path.
Status: Active
Chair/Leaders: Lori Dwyer and Sean Terrell