Completion Grant
The Completion Grant is awarded to students who are within 18 credits of a degree or within 12 credits of completing a certificate or career studies certificate, but who do not have the resources to complete. These may include students who:
- Have received aid, but who do not have enough to cover tuition and fees;
- Have run out of federal and/or state aid eligibility to cover costs; and/or
- Are loan-only students who demonstrate financial need.
No more than 12 credits per semester will be awarded. Awards are renewable through the completion of the remaining 18 credits (or less) of the degree program or remaining 12 credits (or less) of the certificate/career studies certificate for which he/she has applied for under the grant, if the student meets the preliminary criteria and completes courses with a passing grade (A, B, C, D, S) while receiving the funds. Students will not be considered for W, R, U, F, or I grades.
Student Success Grant
The Student Success Grant is a last dollar grant that provides students assistance for up to eight (8) credits at the in-state rate. This award may be granted up to two consecutive semesters.
Second Chance Grant
Grant that provides students tuition and fee assistance for the following:
- Up to six (6) credits at the in-state rate for students who demonstrate promise, but who do not meet requirements of satisfactory academic progress guidelines - per Title IV and state guidelines. Any second chance grant beyond the six (6) credit limit must provide documentation of mitigating circumstances and be approved by the Vice President of Student Affairs.