Culinary Management Scheduling Sequence Tracks

This sequence is designed for full-time attendance, however may be completed via part-time status. Attending Group Advising Sessions will permit your adviser to ensure you are on track to graduate in the time you desire.

Full-time Track for students beginning in the FALL

YEAR ONE - 67 Credits
Fall (12 credits) F/T Spring (12 credits) F/T Summer (10 credits) P/T
SDV 101 HRI 219 HRI 159
HRI 115 HRI 218 HRI 226
HRI 106 HRI 235* HRI 237
ENG 111 ACC 117 Elective
MTH 120
Fall (12 credits) F/T Spring (12 credits) F/T Summer (9 credits) P/T
HRI 257* HRI 134 HRI 299
HRI 275* HRI 119/122 HLT 100
HRI 251 HRI 255* HRI 190
Elective HRI 224 HRI 287

Full-time Track for students beginning in the SPRING

YEAR ONE - 67 Credits
Spring (12 credits) F/T Summer (10 credits) P/T Fall (12 credits) F/T
SDV 101 HRI 159 HRI 219
HRI 115 HRI 226 HRI 218
HRI 106 HRI 237 HRI 251
HRI 235* MTH 120 HRI 275*
ENG 111
Spring (12 credits) F/T Summer (9 credits) P/T Fall (12 credits) F/T
HRI 134 HRI 299 HRI 257*
HRI 119/122 HRI 190 ACC 117
HRI 255* HRI 287 Elective
HRI 224 HLT 100 Elective

Part-time Track for students beginning in the FALL

YEAR ONE - Fall 2014 and after
Fall (8 credits) P/T Spring (9 credits) P/T Summer (5 credits) P/T
SDV 101 HRI 119 HRI 159
HRI 115 HRI 122 HRI 237
HRI 106 HRI 219
HLT 100 HRI 218
Fall (9 credits) P/T Spring (9 credits) P/T Summer (5 credits) P/T
HRI 257* HRI 134 HRI 226
ACC 117 HRI 235* MTH 120
ENG 111 Elective
Fall (9 credits) P/T Spring (9 credits) P/T Summer (4 credits) P/T
HRI 251 HRI 190 HRI 299
HRI 275* HRI 255* HRI 287
Elective HRI 224

Part-time Track for students beginning in the SPRING

YEAR ONE - Fall 2014 and after
Spring (6 credits) P/T Summer (8 credits) P/T Fall (9 credits) P/T
SDV 101 HRI 159 HRI 219
HRI 115 HRI 237 HRI 218
HRI 106 ENG 111 ACC 117
Spring (9 credits) P/T Summer (7 credits) P/T Fall (9 credits) P/T
HRI 119/122 HRI 226 HRI 251
HRI 134 HLT 100 HRI 257*
HRI 235* MTH 120 HRI 275*
Spring (9 credits) P/T Summer (4 credits) P/T Fall (6 credits) P/T
HRI 224 HRI 299 HRI 190
HRI 255* HRI 287 Elective


  1. Once enrolled, students must meet with their faculty adviser. Students must sign up for and attend a group advising session with their faculty adviser each semester to review their status towards graduation and their scheduling strategy. Chef Darren Rounds advises all NEW Students, while Chef Jesse Miller advises all RETURNING Students. Use this link to jump to the Advising and Admissions page.
  2. Courses should be taken as listed to ensure timely graduation; which is based on the Program Course Track selected. There are two full-time tracks and two part-time tracks. Personally designed tracks can be discussed with your adviser at the Group Advising Session, during the one on one break out sessions.
  3. Courses listed in HRI that are BOLD are designated as distance-learning only; those courses that are BOLD and are not HRI prefixes may be taken either on-campus or via distance-learning.
  4. This scheduling arrangement is contingent upon sufficient class sizes and freedom of class cancellations.
  5. The following courses are also required for graduation and may be taken any semester they are available and fit into the student's schedule. They are listed on the Program Course tracks above; when they are suggested to be enrolled. These courses are: SDV 101 (for Culinary & Pastry Arts), ENG 111, HLT 100, MTH 120, Humanities/Fine Arts Elective, and Social/Behavioral Science Elective.
  6. Students who place into developmental courses are required to complete those courses prior to entry into the HRI programs. These courses include: BSK 41, ENF 1, ENF 2, BSK 1, MTE 1, MTE 2 and MTE 3.
  7. Uniforms and Toolkits are required for HRI courses and the SDV 101 course.
  8. Permission numbers are required for ALL HRI, SDV 101, and HLT 100 courses; must see adviser for department consent.
  9. The courses listed with the * are to designate the courses that are different between the three degree specializations.