1. How do I get into the program?
2. I need to take placement tests, can I be advised first?
3. Based on my placement scores, I need to take developmental work, can I still begin Culinary, Pastry, or Hospitality?
4. What classes do I need to take?
5. Where are my classes taught?
6. I can't take day classes, what are my options?
7. What is the definition of co-requisite classes?
8. I want to transfer, what should I do?
9. Do I need to be a full-time student to be in the program?
10. I need to be a full-time student to stay on my parents insurance, is this possible?
11. Are summer classes required?
12. I am using financial aid for classes, do I need to do anything to take the summer classes?
13. The class I want is full, can I be put on the wait list?
14. Am I able to enroll and complete the Pastry and Culinary programs at Reynolds, at the same time?
15. When do I need my uniform by?
16. I don't have the money to purchase the uniform before financial aid is available, what are my options?
17. As an HRI major when do I complete my Graduation application?
18. When do I need my knife kit by?
19. Can I purchase my own uniform and knife kit?
20. Can I enroll into the 15 month Fast Track?
21. When does Pastry Arts classes begin and the schedule?
22. When does advising begin? Do I need to see someone in Advising Services?
23. Can I double major?
24. How do I get my transcript to the college to obtain transfer credit?
25. Can I take First Aid/CPR (HLT100 requirement) outside the college and transfer it in?
26. What if I am already CPR/First Aid Certified, Can I transfer it in?
27. How do I get my student ID card?
28. My English, SDV, Math classes are asking for permission, what do I need to do?
29. The permission number for one of my HRI classes won't work, what do I do?
30. I was backed out of my classes, what do I need to do?
31. Can I register without coming to the campus?
32. Can I do my internship at my current job?
33. How do I find out what textbooks I need?
34. Is there a student club for HRI students (Culinary, Pastry, & Hospitality)?
35. How do I contact my instructor?
36. What grade do I need to achieve to be considered passing?
37. What is the attendance policy?
38. What is the class make-up policy?
39. I can't make a group advising session, what are my options?
40. I am ServSafe Certified, can I transfer or test out of that class?
41. I have a vacation scheduled during my class, can I make up the work? What will my instructor do/say?
42. I was looking for some professional foodservice websites, do you have any suggestions?
43. Is Apprenticeship part of the Culinary Arts program at Reynolds?
44. How do I become an apprentice?
Page Top
1. How do I get into the program?
To enter the HRI programs, you need to apply to Reynolds Community College, complete your placement tests in Math and English, declare your major, complete pre-college (developmental work - MTE and ENF and/or ESL) work based on placement scores and then attend a GROUP ADVISING SESSION,which you can register for on the Advising and Admission button the left menu bar or at the Group Advising hyperlink.
2. I need to take placement tests, can I be advised first?
Yes, but this is not the most beneficial way to spend your time or for your advisor to assist you. For us to assist you properly and provide permission numbers, you need to have completed your Virginia Placement Tests in Math and English. Note about taking your placement tests: Please do not rush through them, as this will determine if you are ready to begin your major or have pre-college courses to complete prior to entry, which delays your program semester start, graduation dates, tuition and textbook expenses, and financial aid. Stop by the testing center to pick up study materials.
3. Based on my placement scores, I need to take developmental work, can I still begin Culinary, Pastry, or Hospitality?
No. Beginning with Fall '13 academic catalog year, all HRI major students must complete pre-college work prior to entry into HRI specific courses. The only exemption possible is for ENF 3 placement; speak with your advisor about this.
4. What classes do I need to take?
Depending on your selected major, you may click on the appropriate link in the menu bar to the left, which will take you to the program specific catalog curriculum and there will also be a link for the semester-to-semester course track (schedule). On the page that opens, scroll down until you see the chart listing the curriculum.
5. Where are my classes taught?
Within the HRI prefix courses, you will either take your classes at the DTC or via distance-learning (online). Your general education requirements, as listed, may be completed on any campus or via distance-learning or via any VCCS college or other accredited institution and transferred into meet graduation program requirements, as long as a minimum of 25% of the course credits are completed at Reynolds Community College (required for graduation eligibility). Official College Transcripts are required for transfer credits.
6. I can't take day classes, what are my options?
Depending on your major, this may not be an issue.
- Hospitality Management Majors - Courses are primarily based as evening (after 3:00 pm) or as distance-learning courses.
- Culinary Arts Majors - Courses are scheduled during the days, nights or combination thereof. Culinary Lab classes are a combination of day and night classes; adjusting your work schedule would be required to complete the program and earn your degree.
- Pastry Arts Majors - Courses are scheduled during the days, nights or combination thereof. Pastry Lab classes are a combination of day and night classes; adjusting your work schedule would be required to complete the program and earn your certificate or degree.
- Furthermore, these programs, Culinary and Pastry, academic requirements are scheduled at night or can be, so the program can be begun, however may not be completed until schedule adjusting is completed.
7. What is the definition of co-requisite classes?
Co-requisite classes are a pair of classes that are tied to each other; which requires them to be enrolled and completed in the same semester. If this is not met, neither class may be enrolled or completed in the term. In Culinary and Pastry programs at Reynolds, LAB classes are co-requisites. Please speak with your advisor at group advising if you still have questions.
8. I want to transfer, what should I do?
If you plan to transfer, you should find/select the college and program you will transfer to and obtain the curriculum. Provide that to your advisor and they will assist you with the courses in which you can enroll that should transfer. You may also visit the Downtown Campus Bookstore and input your schedule to view the textbooks you will need. Once you arrive to the site, click on the Downtown Bookstore, then on the next page in the black menu bar click on textbooks. On the final page, enter your class schedule, then in step 2 click "View My Textbooks".
9. Do I need to be a full-time student to be in the program?
No. Our program has been designed with two purposes in mind:
- That our students typically work in the industry (we support this), therefore we have designed classes to limit the number of visits to campus each week.
- That we need to be as convenient as possible for our students to attend and matriculate to graduation.
If you do not attend in a full-time status and complete pre-requisite and co-requisite courses, completing the program specific major will most likely not be met as listed on the program specific schedule track chart.
10. I need to be a full-time student to stay on my parents insurance, is this possible?
Most often, Yes. Issues typically arise when students begin in the spring term or their schedules limit their ability to take the courses as designed in the particular order as listed on the sequence charts. The other issue that arises is when students are transferring credits into Reynolds. There are options to accommodate your request; you will want to speak with your advisor directly about this.
11. Are summer classes required?
Yes. To accommodate all interested students, a schedule has been put into place to ensure timely graduation. To view this schedule, to see the program specific sequence, please visit the links in the left menu bar. This is the agreement to you from the program in the following regard: this is the term we agree to offer the courses (within enrollment requirements), the time you are supposed to take the courses, and provides a semester to semester guideline for you to follow and view to monitor your progress and prepare for future semesters; including assisting your advisor plan for your next semester classes when attending group advising sessions.
12. I am using financial aid for classes, do I need to do anything to take the summer classes?
Yes. You will need to complete a form to request aid for summer since your program requires it to complete your certificate or degree. Most forms can be found at this link: https://www.reynolds.edu/student_services/forms.aspx . For those forms that are not found, please visit the Enrollment Services center for guidance. If you do not begin your academic year until Spring, Summer will be automatically supported; as Financial Aid supports two semesters per academic year.
13. The class I want is full, can I be put on the wait list?
No. Unfortunately our programs are very popular and fill quite quickly. Due to the nature of our programs and students, we do not wait list students. It is always first come, first serve to ensure you are provided with the classes you need or desire for your scheduling needs. Additionally, ensure you register and pay immediately upon receiving your permission numbers and do not share them. Often time's seats will open up as college back-out occurs and that would be your opportunity to secure a seat in the desired class. A permission number would be required, prior to enrolling and prior to the course closing again due to full enrollment.
14. Am I able to enroll and complete the Pastry and Culinary programs at Reynolds, at the same time?
Yes. Due to the nature of our programs schedule, Pastry and Culinary Classes do not typically interfere with each other's scheduled class meeting times. Most Culinary students enroll in the Pastry program during their second year and are able to complete both during those semesters; providing you are able to be a full-time student and have the time available to attend classes. See your advisor and discuss the best approach to this during group advising.
15. When do I need my uniform by?
Students enrolled in Culinary Arts, Pastry Arts, and Hospitality majors are required to purchase and wear the proper complete uniform to class for ALL HRI and the SDV 101 courses. Visit this link to review the approved required uniform: approved uniform. Students are not permitted into class without the proper uniform.
16. I don't have the money to purchase the uniform before financial aid is available, what are my options?
We encounter this quite often. These are your options:
- Purchase your jacket a semester early and hold on it. This would allow Financial Aid to assist; if you have available funds and haven't exercised your limit in the bookstore for the semester; if you have speak to the bookstore manager and they may gain approval to exceed preset limits (for Culinary and Pastry students only).
- Purchase the jacket by the preset deadline listed on the advising site. Then purchase the remaining items when financial aid is made available AND pay for expedited shipping and processing. The pants, hat, and aprons are in the bookstore for immediate purchase and pick-up. Shoes, although available, must be ordered and shipped; along with the jacket.
17. As an HRI major when do I complete my Graduation application?
You would want to complete the application by the deadline provided of the term in which you are to complete all classes for the program, at the latest. You may fill out the application early based on your expected completion time frame. Be sure to select the graduation term that meets your completion or is in the future; if you do not, you would be required to complete the application again.
18. When do I need my knife kit by?
You will need your complete approved tool kit for the first day of lab class; including each and every lab class. We have provided a pre-assembled kit in the DTC bookstore. You may purchase this kit through the bookstore using financial aid or other means. Whereas you may build your own kit, you must meet the following 2 requirements: 1. include all the items listed as required in the tool kit format and 2. Have the kit approved from Chef Miller. Items in tool kit must be of professional/industry grade material and durability. An instructor reserves the right to review your toolkit periodically to verify 100% accuracy and quality tools are included. Removal from future classes may be imposed until the tool kit is properly built.
19. Can I purchase my own uniform and knife kit?
Yes. You must ensure that your uniform matches the programs pre-designed uniforms exactly AND must be confirmed by Chef Miller. Visit the uniform specifications here. The current style is required; if you have questions, please see your advisor.
Yes. Knife kits must contain all required materials AND be approved by Chef Miller. Visit the tool kit requirements here.
20. Can I enroll into the 15 month Fast Track?
Department Chair Approval and Review Required. If you are a student that has previous college experience, transfer credit and 50 hours a week to commit to studies then you may want to pursue this programmatic option and we may deem you to be suitable for this programmatic track. Please note that this track has only a SUMMER start date and course conflicts may exist and cause the track to be extended longer than the planned 15 months.
21. When does Pastry Arts classes begin and the schedule?
There is a new start date with the inception of every new semester at Reynolds (Fall, Spring, Summer). The Pastry Arts classes are scheduled for class attendance on a rotating schedule, academic courses are typically scheduled between Monday and Thursday, while lab classes are typically scheduled between Thursdays and Saturdays; based on the courses selected and the number of courses in which you are enrolled.
22. When does advising begin? Do I need to see someone in Enrollment Services?
Advising begins the first scheduled group advising session, after Priority Registration ends. This is due to the fact that 90% of our students haven't completed courses at Reynolds, and then would not be able to even register for courses. The date we select for the first NEW student group advising session coincides with the open enrollment date as closely as possible. We provide group advising for all students, organized between NEW or RETURNING students. Please visit the advising site and follow the directions. You only need to see a Enrollment Services Advisor if your HRI Advisor directs you to see them or have pre-college ENF and/or MTE and/or ESL courses to complete.
Yes. You can double or triple major, however your schedule and time to complete the requirements of each specified major will typically require more than a two-year full-time schedule. Please see your advisor for specific advising. NOTE: Financial Aid requirements can affect your ability to complete this. You will need to work with a Financial Aid Specialist to ensure you do not become exempt from financial aid eligibility.
24. How do I get my transcript to the college to obtain transfer credit?
You need to request an official transcript from your previous school(s) sent to your home. When you receive it, do NOT open it, bring it to Office of the Registrar or to your specified advisor AND ensure you have declared your major at Reynolds; get a copy and a confirmation receipt that it was received and will be posted. They will review your transcript and provide transfer credit as eligible, based on your declared program. If you believe that there is an error, you can request an appeal of your transcript; the form needed for this can be found on the forms page. If you have transfer credit specific to HRI courses, you can bring your official transcript to your HRI Advisor and they will review and complete the necessary paperwork with you and forward to Admissions and Records for final approval and posting the transfer credits.
25. Can I take First Aid/CPR (HLT100 requirement) outside the college and transfer it in?
Yes, however there are new guidelines and requirements. HLT 100 is a combined class that is the same as pairing HLT 105 and HLT 106 together, however is a total of 3 credits, while the degree's curricular requirements is only 2 credits. To earn credit outside of Reynolds and transfer (credit by able) the course in as a waiver/substitution, the course must be as quoted here:
"HLT 105 - CPR"
- The American Red Cross certification "CPR-AED for professional rescuer, Health Care Provider"
- The American Heart Association certification "Health Care Provider"
"HLT 106 - First Aid & Safety"
- This is a two-credit three contact hour course which results in 45 hours of instruction. We have not found any first aid courses in the community that offers a similar course. Also, you must be currently certified at the time you graduate to obtain this waiver.
26. What if I am already CPR/First Aid Certified, Can I transfer it in?
Yes, however only if you have met the requirements and certification as listed in the answer to question 25.
27. How do I get my student ID card?
You will need to provide a copy of your current course schedule and visit security in Room 166 DTC or at the other campuses during the posted hours of operation. You will also need a parking decal if you plan to park your car in or on Reynolds parking facilities. For this, you will need your driver's license AND your Car's registration card and complete the form provided by police and security.
28. My English, SDV, Math classes are asking for permission, what do I need to do?
Select another section of the ENG, MTH, or SDV course. ONLY HRI Prefix courses, the SDV 101 for Culinary and Pastry students, and the HLT 100 course for Culinary, Pastry and Hospitality students, REQUIRE permission numbers. Typically if a course listed as NON-HRI, SDV 101, or HLT 100, requests a permission number it is due to the course being listed as a 'Learning Community' in the section code is has CD, CP, or CW. This is when two courses are paired together and the instructors work together. Currently, we do not suggest this due to the fact that these courses do not offer two classes that assist you in obtaining your degree. We are currently in the process to adapt this style and pair two classes together that will assist our students track to graduation and students will be informed of the availability once the courses are designed, paired, approved and scheduled.
29. The permission number for one of my HRI classes won't work, what do I do?
This occasionally happens and is typically due to the following reasons:
- Using the number for the wrong section of the course you wish to register for. Verify to ensure it is the correct section.
- Using the Class Number instead of the actual permission number. Verify you are in fact, using the correct number.
- Your permission number is only 3, 4, or 5 digits long. Permission numbers are designed to be 6 digits long. Ensure that you use zeros at the beginning of the number to ensure it is 6 digits long; no longer; no shorter.
- The class is now closed because it is filled. If this occurs you will need to obtain a new number from your advisor and this will cause you to get a new section of the class and may conflict with other courses in your shopping cart or already posted on your next semester's class schedule; based on open course availability.
- The number has been used. Each number is specific to the course in which it is provided and issued to. The number only works 1 time. If this occurs you will need to secure a new number; occasionally the original section you were issued a number for will be closed and you will be provided a number for a section in which it is still open or available. You will need to review that the different class meeting times still meet your schedule limitations.
- If none of these items correct the problem, you may need a new number. Email your advisor.
- Finally ensure that you review the "Enrolling with Permission Numbers" document posted on the advising page.
30. I was backed out of my classes, what do I need to do?
Back-Out is when a student has registered for classes and have not made payments or payment arrangements IN FULL by the predetermined deadline. In this case, you will need to re-register for classes that are NOT HRI prefix or the SDV 101 and/or HLT 100 courses; in some instances the section you were originally enrolled may not be open to register any longer due to class capacity limits being met. You will need to choose a different section. As for HRI classes in which you were backed out, you will be subject to section/class availability and will need to secure NEW PERMISSION NUMBERS.
31. Can I register without coming to the campus?
Yes. If you have attended a group advising session and have the permission numbers you need, you may register from any computer with internet access. If you have not attended a group advising session and are a NEW student, you need to come to the campus and attend a NEW student group advising session. If you are a RETURNING student, you may email your advisor (Chef Rounds), for numbers, however you will not be provided with numbers until AFTER the first RETURNING advising session has commenced. Additionally, this process (email requests) will not ensure or verify that you are enrolling in the correct courses, nor all the courses necessary to keep you on your particular completion track. Go to the advising page to register for an advising session. Click on the flow chart to register.
32. Can I do my internship at my current job?
No. Our American Culinary Federation Accreditation (ACFAC) restricts us from permitting a student to conduct their internship at the same job location as they currently or previously work(ed). Due to the nature of the program you are completing and the objectives set forth prior to your enrollment, it is paramount that you gain additional experiences for career betterment. Internship sites are scheduled via student, instructor, and Department Chair approval, where this can be agreed upon. The internship for Culinary and Pastry Arts students is 325 hours at minimum or completion of the semester, whichever is longer. The Hospitality students will complete 325 hours at minimum or completion of the semester, whichever is longer.
33. How do I find out what textbooks I need?
You can email your instructors or print a copy of your schedule and take it to the bookstore and they will pull the books for you. You can also visit the bookstore website and find out the required materials for the course you are enrolled.
34. Is there a student club for HRI students (Culinary, Pastry, & Hospitality)?
Yes. There is a student club specifically for Culinary, Pastry, and Hospitality Students. The club is student driven and supported by Chef Miller, as the advisor. The Club is called CACEE (Culinary Arts, Careers, Educational, and Experiential Club). The club has a Facebook page that you can request to become part of and you can submit your college issued email to the email distribution lists to be abreast of upcoming events and opportunities. There are monthly meetings and various events scheduled throughout the year; some are free and some may cost. Your involvement is totally left up to your availability and interests. Become a fan on Facebook: Reynolds CACEE Club
35. How do I contact my instructor?
You may call their extension or the School of Business office, however EMAIL is the most effective method of reaching your instructor or advisor. Search the staff directory under Faculty and Staff for emails and phone numbers. Adjunct Faculty do not have a direct extension and messages do not always reach them in a timely manner; in these instances email is the best method of communicating your needs.
36. What grade do I need to achieve to be considered passing?
In all major specific courses at Reynolds, students must earn a grade of "C" or higher to be considered successfully completing a course. In the HRI prefix, this is no different, however the grading scale recognizes a passing grade of "C" at the minimum percentage of a "75%"; anything lower is considered failing and would require retaking the course and earning a passing grade to continue in the program and ultimately to qualify for graduation.
37. What is the attendance policy?
The HRI prefix programs and SDV 101 have required attendance. In order to view this policy, please review the course syllabus or the Advising Checklist.
38. What is the class make-up policy?
Please ask your instructor or advisor for a copy of this policy; or review a courses syllabi.
39. I can't make a group advising session, what are my options?
You may email your advisor to see if they have any time available to see you or to make other suggestions to you. One on One sessions are typically not scheduled until after the last group advising session has commenced. ON CAMPUS Advising is required for ALL NEW students, without attending a session, students will be limited to registering for general education courses with their own risk of completing non curricular classes.
40. I am ServSafe Certified, can I transfer or test out of that class?
No. Whereas ServSafe is an industry standard certification that displays specific knowledge and content, the Culinary Program at Reynolds teaches ServSafe as a part of the Safety and Sanitation Class.
41. I have a vacation scheduled during my class, can I make up the work? What will my instructor do/say?
You should ALWAYS refrain from missing class or 'pre-planning' an absence. This is dependent upon the course in which you are enrolled, including the availability of your instructor and where necessary lab space and an agreeable instructor that is using the lab during which you wish to make up the time and class. Occasionally there are not options to make up classes, in which we HIGHLY encourage you to do everything in your power to ensure you attend class every time it is scheduled to meet. Class make-ups are not guaranteed, nor are instructors obligated. The HRI programs have a standardized make up policy in place, you may see it listed in the syllabus of your course.
42. I was looking for some professional foodservice websites, do you have any suggestions?
There is a lengthy list of professional and resource sites listed on our site. You can access these by clicking on the "Library and Learning Resources" link in the green left hand menu bar. Then begin scrolling down and you will see the links begin to appear. If you find a link is not working, verify your internet connection, cookies are enabled and are not on a phone or IPad, as they typically have limited functionality; if you verify this, email Chef Miller at jmiller@reynolds.edu and he will review and correct if there is an actual error.
43. Is Apprenticeship part of the Culinary Arts program at Reynolds?
No. It is a separate entity and Reynolds only becomes a part of the topic once you become an Apprentice. Please see Answer in the following question (44).
44. How do I become an apprentice?
Apprenticeships are only awarded through application and hiring through an ACF approved site. Please visit the ACF site to view approved sites and the steps required to become an apprentice. After you are selected, your apprenticeship site will contact us and you will then be advised.
Key Reynolds Contacts
Enrollment Services (for new students) (804) 523-6464
Student Financial Aid 855-874-6682
The comprehensive directory of college contacts is available at the top of the page under Faculty and Staff.