EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/17/2009
REVISED DATE: 11/30/2023
  1. Purpose:

    To provide guidance on student activities, clubs, and organizations at the college.

  2. Definitions:

    Activity: any educational, social, or other function sponsored by the college with the specific purpose of engaging students.

    Student activity fees: funds for student-related activities collected as part of tuition payment.

    Student club/student organization: any group of students officially recognized by the Office of Student Engagement and which may be academic, social, recreation, or leadership-oriented. The four group types are outlined below:

    1. Recreation & Sport Clubs: Activities are focused on a sport, recreational or leisure activities.
    2. Social, Affinity, or Special Interest Clubs: Activities are primarily focused on a variation of human difference, or a special interest, topic, or hobby.
    3. Academic Organizations: Activities are primarily affiliated with an academic discipline at the college to promote professional and/or academic enrichment of the students interested in the respective profession/academia.
    4. Leadership Organizations: Activities are designed to integrate students in the functioning or shared governance of the college, and/or recognize exemplary achievements in scholarship, academic, and leadership at the college.
  3. Policy:

    In an effort to support the mission of the college and promote the academic, career, and personal enrichment at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College (Reynolds), the college invites students to participate in student activities, and/or form clubs and organizations that meet the educational, social, or other interests of a diverse student population. Students who are interested in participating in student activities, clubs, and organizations must comply with the following provisions:

    1. Students must be registered at Reynolds for the term in which they are interested in participating in student clubs/organizations and activities at the college.

    2. Individuals who are affiliated but not registered students at Reynolds may also participate in student activities at the college if resources permit. However, they are not eligible to participate in or form student clubs/organizations.

      All students interested in forming a new organization must submit a request to the Office of Student Engagement for review and approval. All steps to form are outlined in 1-18 Procedures. The Office of Student Engagement shall respond within ten (10) business days to the request. No student organization may officially function without receiving a formal approval from the Office of Student Engagement. Formal approval must be granted within the same fall or spring semester of the request to form.

    3. All clubs and groups may use college resources and facilities, subject to college policies and procedures. Budgeted student activity fees are available for educational activities that are religious, political, cultural, or social in nature. Student clubs are eligible to access this funding via the funding and purchase request process outlined in the Student Club / Organization Handbook.

    4. The Office of Student Engagement makes purchases on behalf of student clubs and organizations when the source of funding is approved from student activities fees, or when the monies are collected and deposited into a club account. Monies collected by student clubs such membership fees, ticket sales, or other fundraising must be deposited at the college’s Business Office within twenty-four (24) hours of collection. Accounts shall be established for each club or organization on an as-needed basis, and balances shall be reflected in a department ID designated for that student club. At no time should revenue be withheld to pay expenses. Reimbursement for expenses must follow college procedures. Student groups must use monies collected in accordance with the college’s and the Commonwealth of Virginia’s policies and procedures. Organizations that are inactive for more than two (2) years may lose access to monies collected to a contingency fund managed by the Office of Student Engagement for future clubs and organizations.

    5. All planned activities of a student club or group must be reviewed by the advisor and approved by the Office of Student Engagement. Planned activities may include outside speakers, or other educational or social events. Clubs must submit an On-campus Reservation for request to Student Life & Event Services. Within ten (10) business days of receipt of the request for an activity, the Office of Student Engagement shall review planned activities and issue a decision. Activities may be denied as a result of any of the following:

      1. The activity is in, or requested for, a place that is already reserved for another event.
      2. The activity shall attract a crowd larger than the venue can safely contain.
      3. The activity shall substantially disrupt another event being held at a neighboring venue.
      4. The activity shall substantially disrupt college operations (including classes).
      5. The activity is a clear and present threat to public safety, according to the college’s Department of Police.
      6. The activity shall occur during college examination periods.
      7. The activity is unlawful.

      In the event that an activity is not approved by the Office of Student Engagement, the club or group may appeal the decision through the appeal process outlined in 1-18 procedures.

      In the event that a club or group wishes to protest or demonstrate as a form of expression, the club or group must comply with Reynolds Policy 1-38, Expressive Activity.

      Clubs and groups are open to any registered student who may be interested in participation, and shall not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, family medical history or genetic information, military service or veteran status, national origin, parental status, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), sexual orientation, or any other non-merit based factor. Any recognized religious or political student organization shall be authorized to limit certain activities only to members who are committed to furthering the mission of such organization. Such activities include ordering the organization’s internal affairs, selecting the organization’s leaders and members, defining the organization’s doctrines, and resolving the organization’s disputes. Clubs or organizations having internal difficulty should consult with their advisors and the Office of Student Engagement in order to resolve any discord related to student members’ commitment to the club or organization’s mission.

    6. Private clubs, private associations, social fraternities, and social sororities shall not be recognized.

    7. Any and all forms of student hazing as condition of membership is strictly prohibited and may be subject to legal action.

    8. Violation of college policies may subject the student club, and/or individual students to review under Reynolds Policy 1-35, Student Conduct, , and/or loss of active status. The Office of Student Engagement may declare the student organization inactive for the following conditions:

      1. The Student Organization fails to keep the required numbers of members in the organization.
      2. The Student Organization fails to maintain a required Reynolds faculty/staff advisor.
      3. Failure for the Student Organization to register by the established deadline.
      4. Failure to abide by Reynolds Student Policies.
      5. Failure to abide by the rules, regulations, and expectations outlined in the Reynolds Community College Student Club & Organization Handbook.
  4. Procedures:

    Procedure for Reynolds Policy 1-18, Participation in Student Activities, Clubs, and Organizations

  5. Other Information:

    Code of Virginia, Title 23.1, Chapter 4; § 23.1-400, Student Organizations

    Consultation Request for New Student Organization (wufoo.com)

    Funding Request for Student Organizations (wufoo.com)

    Post-Event/Meeting/Funding Report (wufoo.com)

    Registration for Student Clubs & Organizations (wufoo.com) (for active groups)

    Student Club & Organization Handbook

    Reynolds Policy 1-12,Student Appeal of Academic and/or Administrative Decisions

    Reynolds Policy 1-35, Student Conduct 

    Reynolds Policy 1-38, Expressive Activity