REVISED DATE: 11/30/2023
  1. Purpose:

    To provide guidance on student activities, clubs, and organizations at the college. The procedures for implementation of this policy are provided below.

  2. Definitions:

    Activity: any educational, social, or other function sponsored by the college with the specific purpose of engaging students.

    Student activity fees: funds for student-related activities collected as part of tuition payment.

    Student club/student organization: any group of students officially recognized by the Office of Student Engagement and which may be academic, social, recreation, or leadership-oriented. The four group types are outlined below:

    1. Recreation & Sport Clubs: Activities are focused on a sport, recreational or leisure activities.
    2. Social, Affinity, or Special Interest Clubs: Activities are primarily focused on a variation of human difference, or a special interest, topic, or hobby.
    3. Academic Organizations: Activities are primarily affiliated with an academic discipline at the college to promote professional and/or academic enrichment of the students interested in the respective profession/academia.
    4. Leadership Organizations: Activities are designed to integrate students in the functioning or shared governance of the college, and/or recognize exemplary achievements in scholarship, academic, and leadership at the college.
  3. Procedures:

    Any students interested in forming a social, academic, recreation, or leadership-oriented group must contact the Office of Student Engagement. Social, academic, or leadership-oriented groups must do the following in order to be recognized by the college:

    1. All recognized clubs and organizations, must have a faculty or staff advisor. In the event that an advisor cannot be identified, the Office of Student Engagement shall provide assistance to identify one.

    2. After all steps are completed, the Office of Student Engagement will review the completed materials and consult with the Dean of Students. A decision regarding the eligibility of the club or group to participate as a recognized organization will be made within ten (10) business days.

    3. Student clubs and organizations must register their group on an annual basis with the Office of Student Engagement. For social, academic, and leadership-oriented organizations, the requirements for annual recognition include:

      • a completed roster of members and officers (at least four);
      • training for at least two officers and the advisor regarding the policies and procedures outlined by the Office of Student Engagement and the institution;
      • hold at least one recruitment activity per semester;
      • hold at least three meetings or events per semester and,
      • an updated constitution.

      Recreation and club sports will submit a request to form based on their playing season instead of annually.

    4. Appeals

      A student club or organization that wishes to appeal any recognition, event or funding decision made by the Office of Student Engagement must provide a written appeal that outlines the reason(s) for the appeal.

      The appeal must be submitted within ten (10) business days following the decision to the Dean of Students (DoS). Failure to file a written appeal within the time period presumes the student/student organization’s acceptance of the decision, and consequently the individual, or the club/organization waives any right to further appeal.

      1. Within ten (10) business days of receipt of the student’s appeal, the DoS will notify the student of the date, time, and place of a meeting for the appeal.

      2. During the appeal meeting, the DoS will review all information presented and provide the student/student organization the opportunity to present information to support their appeal.

      3. Within five (5) business days of the appeal meeting, the student will be notified by the DoS of the decision.

      The decision of the DoS is final.

  4. Other Information:

    Reynolds Policy 1-18, Participation in Student Activities, Clubs, and Organizations

    Code of Virginia, Title 23.1, Chapter 4; § 23.1-400, Student Organizations

    Consultation Request for New Student Organization (

    Funding Request for Student Organizations (

    Post-Event/Meeting/Funding Report (

    Registration for Student Clubs & Organizations ( (for active groups)

    Student Club & Organization Handbook

    Reynolds Policy 1-12, Student Appeal of Academic and/or Administrative Decisions

    Reynolds Policy 1-35, Student Conduct

    Reynolds Policy 1-38, Expressive Activity