Dedicated to Helping Students Reach Their Full Academic Potential
What We Do
Our office provides support for students who receive Early Alerts or are on academic warning, probation, or suspension. Our staff is available to meet by appointment to recommend strategies and can connect you to our many campus resources to help you succeed.
Academic Difficulty
We understand that life does not always go as planned. When things aren't going the way you hoped, Advising is your best friend! Therefore, you should meet your academic advisor before making major academic decisions such as withdrawing from a class or changing programs. You can also schedule a time to meet with your advisor should you simply need academic guidance. Such meetings can be in person or through Zoom or phone.
Early Alerts
Reynolds is committed to the success of its students by providing an environment conducive to teaching and learning. To ensure that every student takes full advantage of the educational opportunities, the college has implemented a student success program known as the Early Alerts.
The goal of the Early Alert program is to work with students individually and assist in a success plan that aids in overcoming any barrier to college success. Through our Navigate system, faculty are able to send notices to students who are experiencing problems. A student will then receive a follow up email notice and text that an alert has been raised for the course, as well as information concerning college resources and information for scheduling an appointment with their Professor. The program is designed to support students early in the semester by assisting Professors various tutoring services in contacting students. This also allows students the opportunity to make appropriate changes for a successful finish by working with their Professor and accessing needed resources.
To contact your Professor for academic help please look at your syllabus for contact information. If you need further assistance making that contact, please email Marlon Johnson at
Academic Holds
- What is a hold? A block that is placed on a student’s academic record which usually prohibits them from registering for classes until they meet with the appropriate college employee regarding the block
- How do I know when I have a hold on my record? You will see this symbol
on your MyReynolds Student Center. There are other non-academic holds; clicking on the
will provide information on which type of hold you have and who to contact. Some academic holds prevent your registration for the upcoming semester.
- What is a CAD (Credit Advising Required) hold? A block that is placed on a student’s academic record when their cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below a 2.0. Students with this hold are required to meet with an advisor
- What is a WAR hold? This is an Admissions hold that is put on the account of any student who stated on their college application that they were dismissed or suspended from their previous college. To have this hold potentially removed, please contact
Definitions for clarification:
- Cumulative GPA –also referred to as “overall GPA” is the grade point average a student has secured for all academic coursework completed during their time at Reynolds.
- Semester GPA - the grade point average a student has secured for a single semester.
- What is an Academic Suspension or Academic Dismissal hold? A block that is placed on a student’s academic record when they have been suspended or dismissed from Reynolds
- What should be my first step in handling a hold? Students with these holds should contact to set up a meeting with that office.
Academic Standing
What is Academic Warning?
- A designation for students who have a semester GPA below a 2.0; notification of warning will appear on the student’s record in your SIS Student Center.
- A designation for students who have a cumulative GPA below a 2.0, but above a 1.5 and who have not previously been placed on academic probation.
This warning means that.. .
- A registration hold will be placed on your student account.
- You must see your Advisor in order to register for future terms.
- Once your GPA is at or above the required 2.0 GPA, the registration hold and the status of Academic Warning will be removed.
- Please know that your GPA may affect your ability to receive Financial Aid. You always want to check with that office ( to determine if there is further information needed.
What is Academic Probation?
- Students who fail to maintain a cumulative GPA of 1.500 will be on academic probation until their cumulative average is 1.75 or better. Students would have been placed on Academic Warning the previous semester. Students shall be placed on probation only after they have attempted 12-semester credits.
Probation means that...
- A registration hold will be placed on the student center account.
- Probation follows the status of academic warning, which means the student was unsuccessful in achieving the required 2.0 GPA while on academic warning.
- You must meet with an advisor before registering for the next term
- This could limit the number of credits you are able to take in the next term.
- Please keep in mind that the status of academic probation prohibits any student from being appointed to an elected office of a student organization – unless authorized by the Dean of Students.
Who do I contact for advisement when I have a CAD hold?
- Curricular students - those who have selected a program of study as their major - should contact their assigned advisor (found in SIS under “student center” and on Navigate). If you are unable to reach your assigned advisor after several attempts, you may meet with any faculty advisor in your academic school by contacting the school office.
- Students with more than 30 credit hours or who are in most certificate programs will meet with their faculty advisor. Students with fewer than 30 credit hours in AAS and AA programs and certain certificate programs will meet with an Advising Services advisor.
- Non-curricular students - those who have not yet chosen a program of study - will have an Advisor assigned by Advising Services. This person will be listed on your Navigate page.
What does a CAD hold mean for me?
- A CAD hold is a block on a student’s record that prohibits the student from registering without advisor guidance and approval.
- Please schedule an appointment with your advisor for registration guidance and approval.
What should I do to prepare for my advising appointment?
- Complete the following assessment and bring it with you
What is Academic Suspension?
- A designation for any student whose cumulative GPA is lower than 1.5, who has attempted at least 24 credit hours, and was placed on academic probation the previous semester. Students placed on academic suspension cannot enroll for one (1) semester; this is also known as "sitting-out". Suspended students may be readmitted after their semester "sit out" without appealing for reinstatement.
Suspension means that...
- You cannot enroll for the next semester or term.
- When you return from my “sit-out” semester, contact to set up an appointment for an advising session.
- There may be certain restrictions upon your return.
What is Academic Dismissal?
- Students who do not attain at least a 2.000 GPA for the semester of reinstatement following academic suspension will be academically dismissed. This also applies to students who maintain at least a 2.0 GPA for the semester they return, but do not maintain a 1.75 GPA in subsequent semesters.
Academic Dismissal means that...
- You are permanently dismissed from enrolling at Reynolds Community College.
- In exceptional circumstances, students may submit an appeal form to the Office of the Registrar. can assist in this process.